Ellen Lindner, Adventure Quilts
June 2014 Newsletter
Design Your Own Nature Quilt
Starting May 30th

Would you like to learn how to compose a design? Create and control a focal point? These are just some of the things you'll learn in the Design Your Own Nature Quilt online class.

In fact, you'll gain enough knowledge and skill to make a unique design using your own photo as an inspiration source. It doesn't get much more exciting than that!

Linda McClelland art quilt, AdventureQuilter.com

This is my favorite class to teach, because the students find they're able to do things they would have never thought possible. This is exhilarating for all of us! Linda McClelland's quilt, Above Breckenridge, is a perfect example. She used jagged cutting very effectively to create trees. She also worked loosely, capturing her scene very nicely, without being "owned" by it.

Read a short excerpt from the class material. See other student results in the student gallery.

Part One is starting May 30th, but joining late is not a problem. Find full details here.

"Florida in Fabric II"
Melbourne, FL

May 23rd saw the opening reception for the "Florida in Fabric II" exhibit, in Melbourne, FL. On display at the Ruth Funk Center for Textile Arts, the exhibit features 36 wonderful art quilts, all made by Florida artists.

The quilts seen below were made by (L-R) Susan Rienzo, Marianne Williamson, and Maya Schonenberger.

Florida in Fabric opening reception, AdventureQuilter.com

My quilt, The Last Few Dates, is also part of the exhibit.

The Last Few Dates, an art quilt by Ellen Lindner, AdventureQuilter.com

"Florida in Fabric II" is well worth visiting. Especially since it's free! It will be on display through August 23rd. Find more information here.

Next Online Class
Upcoming Events

- May 24 - August 23, Florida in Fabric II, Melbourne, FL

Art on Tour
New on Web site

Note for a Friend #10
Note for a Friend #11
Note for a Friend #12

New on Blog

- Designing a New Quilt
- Lanterns in Korea
- National Museum of Korea
- Insadong
- Dinner at the Market
- Changing of the Guard: Gyungbokgoong Palace
- Gyungbokgoong Palace
- A Boy and His Bulgogi
- A Visit to the DMZ
- War Memorial Museum
- Korean Food

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Ellen Lindner - Adventure Quilter

New "Notes for a Friend"

Note for a Friend #10, an art quilt by Ellen Lindner, mounted on clear glass and framed, AdventureQuilter.com


I've just completed several new quilts in my "Notes for a Friend" series. #10-12 are in one of my favorite colors: blue!

These tiny quilts are available framed or unframed. Before framing, each one is mounted on the front of clear class. I love this presentation!

Note for a Friend #10 at right

See the entire series, with the newest at the bottom of this page.

What's New

Natural Progression, an art quilt by Ellen Lindner, intalled in the buyer's home


I love seeing my quilts installed in their new homes. The Michauds sent me this photo of Natural Progression hanging in their entryway. A great spot, don't you think? This art-loving couple has lots of great art, like the wacky blue bird with its very long legs.







Traditional buildings in Korea, AdventureQuilter.com

My family recently visited Korea! It was very exciting and interesting. We even visited the DMZ (demilitarized zone!) Very cool (and a little intimidating.)

I've written LOTS about our adventures on my blog and have included many photos. Check out the posts from May 15th forward, and look for more in the future.

Also to watch for on my blog: I've cut up another quilt! I did this once before and I was really happy with the results. This time, I'm using the old quilt as "starters" for the next note pieces.

Definitely enjoying my adventures!
Ellen Lindner

If you found this information useful, you may be interested in my free articles, online classes, and e-books. You'll find a full directory here.

©2014 Ellen Lindner, www.adventurequilter.com
Contact Ellen.