Ellen Lindner, Adventure Quilts
August 2014 Newsletter
Sticky Fingers: Poppy Power
Starting August 29th

Woohoo! Let's get our fingers sticky and make some poppy art!

The glued collage technique we'll be using is fast and easy. And the class project is this awesome poppy design.

White Poppies - a glued collage, class project for Sticky Fingers with Ellen Lindner

We'll get started on August 29th. Find full class details here.

On the Design Wall

Do you have Crepe Myrtles in your area? Here, in Florida, they're in abundance and they bloom profusely. Plus, they have such a lovely shape, don't they? These characteristics have inspired me to make a Crepe Myrtle quilt.

Here it is, in-progress. I'm pretty happy with the shape of the greenery. (The trunks are just loosely placed to audition fabrics.) I have LOTS of pink blossoms to add, and I'm getting kind of excited about it.

Crepe myrtle art quilt, in-progress, by Ellen Lindner, AdventureQuilter.com

You can see it take shape on my blog, (August 3rd and forward.)

Next Online Class
Upcoming Events

- May 24 - August 23, Florida in Fabric II, Melbourne, FL
Sept. 12-13, Design Your Own Nature Quilt (2 day,) Playing with Fabric lecture, Mt. Dora, FL

Full Schedule
Click here
Art on Tour
New on Blog

- Patriotic Poppies?
- It Used to Be His Bedroom
- Under-the-Bed Quilt Storage
- Mine Turned Green
- Let Me Take Your Picture

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Ellen Lindner - Adventure Quilter

Shipping Quilts

I've got quite a few quilts heading for shows. As I've been packing them I've been feeling very spoiled by my new shipping station. It's just an empty table with shipping supplies stored nearby. But, it's SO convenient! (Oh, the luxury of an empty table!)

Ellen Lindner's shipping table, adventurequilter.com

You can see several photos of my new set up on my blog, (August 4, 2014.). Plus, I've written a full article about packing quilts, which you can find in my articles section.

I've just sent quilts to New Hampshire and Massachusetts. Check out Art on Tour to see what's near you.

What's New

Teaching arts to kids, Ellen Lindner, AdventureQuilter.comThis summer, I've been teaching art to kids: a group of ten girls, ages 6-15! They especially enjoyed learning to mix paint colors. I didn't tell them what to expect, so creating green from yellow and blue was an exciting discovery for them. Great fun. (More on my blog.)

Susan Cornell's quilt detail, in-progress.  In a class taught by Ellen Lindner, AdventureQuiler.comMy online class, "Design Your Own Nature Quilt" has just ended. The students did FABULOUS work! They're finishing up now and I'm anxious to show you their completed pieces. In the meantime, here's a small detail of Susan Cornell's quilt, in-progress.

If you live near Melbourne, FL, don't forget about the current "Florida in Fabric II" exhibit at the Ruth Funk Center for Textile Arts. It ends August 23rd, it's excellent, and it's free!

Have you subscribed to my blog, yet? It's easy to do. Just go to my blog and use the subscription box at the top right. Then, you'll start getting the posts in your inbox! How cool is that?

ENJOY your adventures! They're all around you and some will not come again.
Ellen Lindner

If you found this information useful, you may be interested in my free articles, online classes, and e-books. You'll find a full directory here.

©2014 Ellen Lindner, www.adventurequilter.com
Contact Ellen.