Ellen Lindner, Adventure Quilts
November 2014 Newsletter
"Grow with the Flow"
A new live class offering!

Dancing with Joy, an art quilt by Ellen Lindner.  Class sample for "Grow with the Flow."  AdventureQuilter.com

My new class, Grow with the Flow, is prepped and ready for bookings. Our class project is this cute little sprout, which I call "Dancing for Joy." It was LOTS of fun to make, and I think the class will be too.


We'll go with the flow and do some free rotary cutting for the background. SO easy and fast! And we'll do some "Fussy Fusing" for the plant. It's a technique for fusing lots of small pieces of fabric into one larger shape. Also easy and fast. Finally, students will learn how to face their quilts. One of my favorite techniques. A one day class with lots of "growth!" (Yes, pun intended.)

See more info on this quilt and a detail shot here.

"Curly Croton Mosaic"

Curly Croton Mosaic, an art quilt by Ellen Lindner.  AdventureQuilter.com
I've been experimenting with printing photos onto fabric as the starting point for new quilts. Being a lover of abstracted and stylized images, I didn't want to use the photos "as is." So, I've been playing with computer manipulation before printing and various other techniques afterward.

This is "Curly Croton Mosaic," the second printed piece that I tried. Perhaps you can tell that I altered it quite a bit in the computer before printing it. (See all those transparent squares?) The black lines are not printed on the fabric, but are added as quilting.

I'm definitely liking this process and this image. I have LOTS more ideas about how to best use this sort of technology. More to come!

See more info on this quilt and a detail shot here.

Fabulous Student Results

Check out this quilt. Is it awesome, or what? It was made by my online student, Susan Cornell, in a recent "Design Your Own Nature Quilt" class. She calls it "Georgie's Garden." Didn't she do a fantastic job?

Georgie's Garden, by Susan Cornell.  Made in an online class with Ellen Lindner.  AdventureQuilter.com

Susan did a fabulous job of editing to get her design. The original photo featured a big bushy collection of flowers. But, Susan wisely zoomed WAY in and featured just a few blossoms. Then, she interpreted them loosely, switched up the colors, and made them POP! She made me look good!

See other student quilts produced in "Design Your Own Nature Quilt" classes. You'll love them!

Next Online Class

Grow with the Flow
(Online version)
Debuts January 2015

Upcoming Events

- January 16, Trunk show, Melbourne, FL

Full Schedule
Click here
Art on Tour
New on Web site

Curly Croton Mosaic
Dancing for Joy

New on Blog

- Artistic Courage in Lake Mary
- More Class Awesomeness in Lake Mary
- "Ti Party"
- Around the World Blog Hop
- Fiber Artists Newtwork Exhibit in Jacksonville, FL
- More Great Fiber Art in Jacksonville
- SAQA Technique Smorgasbord
- Help Me Name This Class
- Girl with a Red Bucket

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Ellen Lindner - Adventure Quilter

My Favorite Finishing Technique

How to face a quilt, by Ellen Lindner.  AdventureQuilter.com

I face nearly all of my quilts, rather than adding a binding. I love facing for several reasons:
- It's easy and fast.
- It doesn't add a visual line to the outside of my quilt.
- It's perfect for quilts with unusal shapes.

If you want to learn about this easy technique, check out my recently updated article on the subject.

My website includes a lot of other helpful articles, too. They cover everything from color to packing for a retreat.
Here's the directory.

Studio to Gallery Conference

Studio to Gallery logo


Have you heard about the conference coming up in May of 2015? It will be in Melbourne, FL, focusing on the business side of art quilts. Actually, the business aspects of art in general.

There will be workshops on critiquing, marketing, photography, and more. Plus lots of networking, with a banquet and other events. AND it all coincides with the opening of the Southern Accents exhibit. I think it will be a fantastic event! Find all the details on the website.

What's New

Ellen Lindner's design wall showing work in-progress.  AdventureQuilter.comThings are held together with a LOT of pins, and maybe some glue.

That's an excerpt from a recent post that was part of the Around the World Blog Hop. The Q &A had me talking quite a bit about my process. Check it out and be sure to follow the links to see some really great art!

There was some great fiber art in Jacksonville, FL this past month! I got to see the Fiber Artists Network member exhibit, which was fabulous! Then, just down the road, was the QuiltFest quilt show. My quilt, Crotons, won an Honorable Mention there. That's always nice!

I hope you're having some great quilt adventures!
Ellen Lindner

If you found this information useful, you may be interested in my free articles, online classes, and e-books. You'll find a full directory here.

©2014 Ellen Lindner, www.adventurequilter.com
Contact Ellen.