Ellen Lindner, Adventure Quilts
February 2015 Newsletter
Best Pictorial

Carefree, an art quilt by Ellen Lindner.  Best Pictorial World Quilt Show - FL, 2015.  AdventureQuilter.com


My quilt, Carefree, won "Best Pictorial" at the World Quilt Show Florida, in West Palm Beach, FL! I was so excited!

I've shown the progress of this quilt pretty thoroughly on my blog, if you're interested.


Two UFOs Complete

Making New Friends, a fabric collage by Ellen Lindner.  AdventureQuilter.com



This little collage is called Making New Friends. I worked on it during long hours in medical waiting rooms. But, during that time, I also made many new friends, who were a wonderful support to me.






God Bless You, a fabric collage by Ellen Lindner.  AdventureQuilter.com


The name of this second quilt is God Bless You. That's the phrase one of my new friends was known for.


Both quilts represent silver linings during a difficult time. Find more info on my blog.

Next Online Class

Double Reverse Applique
March 6, 2015

Upcoming Events

- February 9-10, retreat classes, Sebring, FL
- April 14-15, lecture and classes, Mt. Dora, FL

Full Schedule
Click here
Art on Tour
New on Web site

- Making New Friends
- God Bless You

New on Blog

- 2014 in Review
- Join Me in Melbourne, FL
- Best Pictorial!
- West Palm Beach Quilt Show 2015 - More Photos
- New Online Class: Grow with the Flow
- A Wacky Way to Make a Background
- Inspired by the Fabric
- New Gizmos

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Ellen Lindner - Adventure Quilter

Double Reverse Applique
Starting March 6th


Ellen Lindner - class sample Double Reverse AppliqueHas the winter weather kept you house bound? Fight cabin fever while you learn an exciting new technique right from the comfort of your home. No need to lug your sewing machine to class or wish for the perfect fabric left behind. Only minimal computer skills are needed. Read more about the online learning experience and my money back guarantee here.

You can give it a try on January 3rd, when the next Double Reverse Applique class begins. This technique is not only easy, but also extremely useful and versatile.

In this class you'll:
- Master the the Double Reverse Applique technique,
- Make the killer apple project shown here,
- And learn how to make your own patterns for future DRA projects.

This class has been around a while, so I've decided to lower the price to $29.
Join the excitement on March 6th!
See student results and full information.

Switching to Glue

Ripening, in-progress, by Ellen Lindner.  AdventureQuilter.comI don't make quilt tops. Instead, I create raw edge collages on my design wall. A supporting piece of muslin is behind all of it, and everything is held in place by an ABUNDANCE of pins.

For years, after a composition was complete, I've been moving each pin from push pin orientation to regular fabrics-pinned-together-with-a-straight-pin orientation. (So, I could free the whole thing from the design wall.) A time consuming process. Next, I layered it on top of batting for quilting, which definitely required dodging some pins. The added stitching not only added texture, but literally held the design together.

Just recently, I've discovered a glue I can use on that intermediate step. What an improvement! I can secure the pieces much more quickly, start quilting sooner, and avoid all the pins while quilting. I'm loving it!

Read about my new favorite products on this blog post.

Studio to Gallery Conference - Deadline February 14th


It really is possible to market your work and still have time to produce new art.

The key is organization and strategic promotion.
Join Rene Griffith in the one-day workshop, Business of Marketing Your Art. Find out how to assess galleries and other venues to determine which are best for your art and how to develop successful sales partnerships. You’ll also learn how to develop a simple business plan to more effectively budget both your time and resources.

Get the details on this and other great workshops at the Studio to Gallery Conference!

Sign up deadline February 14!

What's New

Urban Sprawl - in-progress, by Ellen Lindner. AdventureQuilter.com

Perhaps you've discovered the various articles on my website. They include quite a few tutorials, as well as information about my process and inspiration. It's been a while since I've added one, however, because I thought I had pretty well covered the basics. (Plus, I share a lot on my blog.)

But, is there something you'd like me to write about? I could really use some ideas. If you have suggestions, you can click the Contact Ellen link below and send me a quick email.

The photo at right is part of the "Extreme Makeover" article, showing "Urban Sprawl" in-progress.


I hope you're having some great quilt adventures!
Ellen Lindner

If you found this information useful, you may be interested in my free articles, online classes, and e-books. You'll find a full directory here.

©2014 Ellen Lindner, www.adventurequilter.com
Contact Ellen.