Now THIS is fun! Scoop up some thickened dye with a stiff squeegee (think large credit card,) and smear it onto some fabric. It spreads into glorious color and makes a very satisfying swishing noise at the same time.
I started with yellow and then added yellow-orange,(which looks dark orange when it’s this thick.)
But, it DID look mighty orange. Next, I added orange. Hmm, there was no color change. Then, I realized that my yellow-orange had been contaminated with deep orange. Oops. This is going to be very orange!
Finally, I added red and got this, (still wet.)
When dry it looked like this, which was more orange than I really wanted. (No surprise.)
No worries. I over dyed it and got some very useful fabric. (I took a photo, but it doesn’t really show the difference. You’ll have to trust me on this one.)
So, my overly orange fabric isn’t a very good example of this great technique. Here’s another one I did the same way. Can you see how I just swept the color on? And that became the “pattern” for the piece.
See the finished fabric – one of my favorites.
If you’re a dyer you’ll definitely want to try this technique when creating a background.
Ellen Lindner
I love that you mentioned the sound.
It’s part of the fun, Sunnie!