Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Major Digital Manipulation

As mentioned in earlier posts, I’ve been experimenting with printing digital images to fabric and then quilting them.  For my third project, I decided to work large.  Partly to see how bad things would pixelate, and partly because I wanted to interpret a favorite photo at a size appropriate for a certain spot in my […]

Pretty Painted Pumpkins

My sister and I had great fun painting pumpkins.  The instructions said to first paint them all over in pastel colors.  But, I had to mix things up a little. Click any image for a larger view Next, we used squirt paint – the kind designed for t-shirts – and doodled all over the top of them.  […]

Digitally Printed Quilts

I’ve been experimenting with “whole cloth” quilts.  In this case, they’re comprised of images that I’ve printed on fabric, then stitched. For my first two pieces, I started with this inspiration photo. Beautiful, right?  These are my neighbor’s curly crotons. I wanted my quilted versions to be more impressionistic, so I played around in the […]

Hometown Art

I really enjoy visiting art galleries and museums when traveling.  But, lucky for me, there’s also some very interesting art in my own backyard. A recent visit to the Foosaner Art Museum’s Education Center, brought me face to face with some great art! Like “Oak Shadow,” by Fahan Sky McDonough.  The light, indeed, created beautiful shadows. […]

New “Free” Class in Melbourne, FL

I’ll be teaching the debut session of my “Grow with the Flow” class on December 3rd, at Boutique for Quilters in Melbourne, FL. And the best part is that it’s basically free! It costs $15, but you get a $15 gift certificate for later use. Click image for a larger view Grow with the Flow […]


“Pleakley!”  That’s what my husband said, rather enthusiastically, when he first saw my latest quilt. “Uh… huh?” I asked. “You know, Pleakley!  From Lilo and Stitch.” And then I saw it. He had seen the quilt upside down.  And, well, it DID look like Pleakley!  Do you remember him from the movie?  Check this link and you’ll […]

New Class Ready to Go!

My new class, “Grow with the Flow” is now ready for bookings!  I’ve made a sample quilt, created a pattern, and I’m ready to share my enthusiasm for the great techniques used in this little quilt.  You readers helped me name it and the title is…drum roll please…”Dancing for Joy.”  Click any image for a […]

Ellen Pavlakos “Work in Process”

Ellen Pavlakos is a talented sculptor, whose work was recently featured at Fifth Avenue Art Gallery in Melbourne, FL. Click any image for a larger view What made it especially great was that she had in-progress pieces on display, so you could get an idea of her process.  As you can see, she first creates […]

Through Our Hands Magazine

Have you discovered Through Our Hands magazine?  It’s a wonderful FREE online magazine, chock full of awesome quilts and interesting articles.  Produced by Annabel Rainbow, Laura Kemshall, and Linda Kemshall, I think you’ll really enjoy it. Check out the eye candy! You can also sign up for the Through Our Hands newsletter, which will notify you […]

Girl with a Red Bucket

Don’t you just love this painting?  It’s by Jini James and I just bought it.  Woohoo! It looks great in my living room.  The colors really pop against the brown walls. Jini has many more wonderful pieces on her website.  I hope you’ll check them out. Ellen Lindner