Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Help Me Name This Class

I’ve had quite a bit of fun designing and constructing the class sample for my new class.  Here it is, nearly complete. Click to enlarge I think I’ll probably name this piece Dance of Joy. But I’m stumped on a name for the class.  It features lessons on free rotary cutting and how to fuse little […]

SAQA Technique Smorgasbord

Yay, I spelled smorgasbord correctly! But, on to the good stuff.  I belong to a wonderful organization called Studio Art Quilt Associates (SAQA.)  With over 3000 members worldwide, this group is a WEALTH of information and resources.  Here in Florida, we’ve divided our state up into regional “pods.”  Yep.  That makes us pod people. Our pod […]

More Great Fiber Art in Jacksonville

Here’s some more great fiber art from the Fiber Artists Network (FAN) exhibit, in Jacksonville, FL. Click on any image for a larger view Many of the pieces on display were abstracts, like this one by Gretchen Jolles. Gretchen has really piqued my interest with this one.  Since I don’t “see” pots, I’d love to see […]

Fiber Artists Network Exhibit in Jacksonville, FL

I recently visited the Fiber Artists Network (FAN) exhibit in Jacksonville, FL, and I was very impressed!  The exhibit was curated by Maya Schonenberger, which must have been a challenging task.  The pieces she selected featured a wide variety of fiber art techniques, from baskets to avant-garde for-display-only garments. Although I only had my phone available […]

Around the World Blog Hop

A former online student, Diane Miller, invited me to participate in a blog hop.  How cool is that?  I love making connections online (and otherwise.)  The Around the World Blog Hop is a MUCH IMPROVED version of chain letters, where each participant “tags” a few more to join in.  You’ll see links to posts by my […]

“Ti Party”

My latest little quilt was one of the most fun I’ve ever made! Click any image for a larger view I call it “Ti Party,” because the plants shown are Japanese Ti (tea) plants. And it does look like a party, doesn’t it? But, the label says “No politics.  Just vivid color.” Why was this quilt so […]

More Class Awesomeness in Lake Mary

Yes, I said AWESOMENESS!  The students in my recent “Design Your Own Nature Quilt” rocked it, and here’s the proof. Here’s Mel’s inspiration photo. Click any image for a larger view And here’s her quilt, well under way. Isn’t it going to be fabulous?  She did an excellent job of editing the elements down, making […]

Artistic Courage in Lake Mary

The supply list for my “Design Your Own Nature Quilt” class includes artistic courage.  Fortunately, the group I recently taught in Lake Mary was very brave!  None of them had ever designed a quilt before, but they all had wonderful art quilts at the end of day two. Laura’s mountain quilt rocks!  She used tulle […]

“Dancing Toward the Sun”

Here’s my latest quilt, “Dancing Toward the Sun.”  I’m quite happy with it. Click on any image for a much larger view I love the personality of the piece.  To me, the little sprout is moving and grooving as it basks in the warm rays of the sun.  You can see that, right? In addition to being […]

Black and White and Fused All Over: Part Two

After experimenting with a new fusing technique, I was ready to try it on my quilt. Click any image for a larger view After drawing the needed shapes on paper backed fusible webbing, I began to place and fuse small pieces of black and white fabrics. Then, I could place the larger shapes on my […]