Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Finishing Up

I’m winding down on the latest EIGHT Notes for a Friend.  (The ones I cut from a finished quilt.) After finishing the design of each one, I added a facing.  After turning them right side out, but before pressing them, they had a wonderful little puffy shape. Click any image for a larger view Kinda cute, […]

I Did It Again

I cut up a finished quilt. Don’t panic, though.  The quilt just wasn’t that great.  Here it is, As I Watched in Wonder. Click any image for a larger view Thankfully, the colors aren’t quite so jarring in person, but this quilt just never quite sang.  (At least not on key!)  It had wonderful little details of […]

Scandinavian Influence

I just had to show you two more photos from our trip to Door county, Wisconsin.  Many Scandinavians settled this area in the 1800’s and their influence can still be seen today. On Washington Island, a wooden church has been built to replicate a Norwegian one from the 1100’s.  It was very interesting. Click any […]

Rocky Shorelines

My favorite spot on our Door county trip was a shoreline park near Jacksonport.  Check THIS out! Click any image for a larger view Amazing right?  The trees went almost all the way to the water, which was lapping rather enthusiastically against the rocky shore.  On top of that, visitors have built cairns.  Tons of […]

Door County, Wisconsin

When I told my husband about all the fun things my mom and sister and I would be doing in Door county, WI, he started calling it “Bore county.”  I guess visiting art galleries, cool boutiques, and antique shops, while enjoying beautifully scenery and weather just didn’t appeal to him.  But, it sure did to […]

The Fear of Black Thread – and How to Overcome It

I often use black thread to add definition to my quilt designs.   Especially on the petals of flowers. Click any image for a larger view Blessings Underfoot – detail Of course, when I suggest dark thread to my students they’re, understandably, reluctant to try it.  So, I’ve developed a way for them to audition the idea.  The […]

Developing a New Class

I’m working on a new class, to be called Floral Improv.  In it, I’ll show several different ways to make flowers without a pattern. Click any image for a larger view Can you tell what type of flower this will become? Right, a snap dragon.  If you imagine it turned 90 degrees, you can almost […]

Slavery in Louisiana

While touring Oak Alley, we also got to see replicas of slave cabins and to learn a little bit about the life of slaves. I didn’t realize that a hierarchy existed among the slaves.  House slaves had better clothing, which I expected, but they also had better quarters.  This photo shows the bed included in the […]

A Happy Little Card

My sister has just retired and I made her a pretty little card as part of the celebration.  I had some painted heavy paper from an earlier play session, and some vintage lace.  Little cuts from the lace created a simple garden scene. Click any image for a larger view The card needed a little […]

THAT Plantation

If you’ve ever googled “southern plantation” you’ve probably seen an image of Oak Alley.  It is the quintessential plantation with, as the name implies, a long approach path with 300 year old oaks lining both sides.  It’s all quite majestic! Here’s the distant view, in which the oaks nearly obliterate the view of the  home.  This would be […]