Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Images of New Orleans

What city has jazz music, fantastic food, above-ground cemeteries, Spanish architecture*, huge mardi gras celebration, and evidence of a hurricane?  Why, New Orleans, of course!  There are so many things unique to this city, and that is much of why it’s so interesting. Let’s start our tour with some iconic images. (Click any image for a […]

“Lava to the Sea” Complete

As waves of lava meet waves of water they showcase the power and beauty of nature. Such was the inspiration for this piece,”Lava to the Sea.”  The central panel suggested the subject and I ran with it. Click any image for a larger view I added a good bit of hand stitching to the left side […]

Exercise Results

Remember the challenging exercise I gave you?  Here are some results from my art quilt buddies.  (We used pencils only, no color.) We all worked with this image: Click any image for a larger view Susan came up with this: This was her other image: And her results: This was Jill’s staring image: And her […]

The Cemeteries of New Orleans

I REALLY enjoyed a recent visit to New Orleans; my first time there.  We toured around quite a bit and were particularly intrigued by the above ground cemeteries. This was the entrance to St. Roch’s Cemetery. Click any image for a larger view   It was very neat and well maintained. The crypts are above […]

A Challenging Exercise for You

Do you like to do artistic exercises?  Little challenges to improve your creativity, composition, and problem solving?  I do.  So, I created a little challenge for myself and my art quilt buddies.  It was inspired by the quilt I’ve been working on.  For it I started with a primary panel and needed to add more. […]

Gilding the Lily

In earlier posts I showed you the quilt I made entirely with fabrics given to me by Judith Content.  That went together so easily! Now, I’m working on one that’s much more challenging.  This time I am working with only one panel of Judith’s fabric, the center one shown below. Click any image for a […]

Awesome Quilts from Boca

The students in my Boca Raton “Grow with the Flow” class produced wonderful results!  (Most of these photos were taken at around the 5 hr. point in a 6 hour class. ) Johanna COMPLETELY finished her quilt, with facing and all!  The only thing she still needs to do is to add a label and a […]

Teaching in Boca Raton

I received a really warm welcome on a recent teaching trip to Boca Raton, FL.  The first evening I gave a lecture on color. (Apparently, I’m a very animated speaker.) I showed slides of my quilt Summer in the South, in-progress.  And, since I had brought it with me, many people wanted pictures of me with the […]

“Taking Flight”

My latest quilt, Taking Flight,  is complete. Click any image for a larger view It’s success is due, in large part, to the wonderful fabrics given to me by Judith Content.  Aren’t they dramatic? Here are a few detail shots. This piece was a joy to work on and I’m delighted with the results! It’s available for […]

In Recognition

The close of the Studio to Gallery conference was a good opportunity for a “changing of the guard.”  Retiring Florida SAQA co-reps Jayne Gaskins and Nancy Billings were stepping down and Kathryn Robinson and I were taking over.  Since Jayne and Nancy had worked tirelessly on the conference we wanted to give them a really […]