Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Studio to Gallery Conference

The Studio to Gallery conference was fantastic!  It was a wonderful combination of socializing, seeing great art, fun, and learning about the business side of art. To kick things off, Sandra Sider gave a very informative speech about selling work in galleries. Then, we shifted gears as we did some “speed dating.”  Everyone brought business cards […]

“Southern Accents” Exhibit

The Southern Accents exhibit opened this past weekend in Melbourne, FL, and it’s awesome! Walking in, I was stopped in my tracks by Barbara Watler’s huge Croton Leaf.  At approximately 10′ high, it REALLY makes an impression!  It’s heavily stitched, which can be appreciated from the second floor mezzanine.  (Which is where this photo was taken.) Click any […]

An Abundance of Good Wishes

More art flags!  Part of the installation at Florida Tech, these flags will weather and fray as time goes by. Click any image for a larger view And that’s part of their charm.  Those in Tibet believe the good wishes put into each flag will come to pass as they age. They may get twisted […]

Dancing in the Wind

Standing on the bridge, with sunlit tropical foliage all around, the wind kicks up and the flags overhead begin to flutter wildly.  It’s at once both exciting and serene.  A joyful moment! This was my experience as I took in an installation of art flags. They went up a few days ago, on the campus of Florida […]

Great Results in Mt. Dora

I had so much fun teaching in Mt. Dora, FL!  The first day included a lecture on color and an Instant Art Quilt class.  The next day was devoted to Double Reverse Applique. The primary project for this class is a dramatic apple. Click any image for a larger view (I’m embarrassed to report I did […]

Instant Art Quilts in Mt. Dora

When is an out-of-focus quilt still beautiful?  When it’s one of the awesome Instant Art Quilts made by members of the Lake County Quilt Guild.  Like this in-progress one made by Joan. Click any image for a larger view What’s an Instant Art Quilt?  It’s one in which a beautiful hand dyed fabric has been torn […]

“Oak Green Farm” Complete

My farm quilt, Oak Green Farm, is now complete. Click any image for a larger view It depicts the farm where I grew up, and where my parents still live.  Very little has changed over the years:  rolling fields, sunlight reflecting off the metal barn roofs, and that big maple tree. This scene is full of memories […]

Farm Quilt: Home Stretch

After completing the sky and fields, I quilted everything in place.  Next, I pinned the barns into position.  I didn’t stitch them yet, because I thought the tree might affect the placement. I spent quite a bit of time trying out fabrics for the tree. Click on any image for a larger view I needed […]

A Purple (and Red) Heart

I’ve been helping Jayne Gaskins and Nancy Billings work on the upcoming Studio to Gallery conference.  Boy, have they worked hard! When Jayne had a major computer issue recently, I joked that she deserved a purple heart.  And then I decided to make her one. Click any image for a larger view Of course, Nancy […]

That Fabric!

Wow, I knew I was lucky to get those wonderful silk fabrics from Judith Content, but I didn’t know how lucky until I pinned them up on my design wall! This is the very first pin up.  Totally random, right out of the bag. Click any image for a larger view Can you say awesome? […]