Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Exhibits and Awards

It’s always fun to show my fabric collages locally.  This past weekend, I got to do it in two different venues. At the Titusville Art League spring show my Summer in the South won a sponsor award.  How nice! Click any image for a larger view I also got to attend the opening reception for Art Gallery […]

Going to the Birds

Is Key West “going to the birds?”  Well, yes, sorta.  There were lots of them! There were the tropical birds you’d expect. Click any image for a larger view Isn’t this pelican magnificent?  He was very tame and let me get quite close for this shot.  (I did kick up the saturation a bit on […]

On the Design Wall – STILL

You know how it is when you get a new hobby, right?  You’re crazy passionate about it and want to do it every minute?  Well, that’s what has happened to me.  I’ve been SERIOUSLY bitten by the digital scrap booking bug.  And it IS fun!  There are digital papers, stickers, 3D effects, shadows, transparent effects, and […]

Tropical Flowers

Of course, Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden featured not only art glass, but many beautiful and exotic plants throughout its 83 acres.  Here are a few favorite shots from our visit. Click on any image for a larger view Isn’t this orchid gorgeous? Don’t tropical plants have a lot of attitude?  Just look at the shape […]

Chihuly’s Citron

More photos from our visit to Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden, in Coral Gables, FL, featuring the art glass of Dale Chihuly.  This sculpture is called “Citron.”  Partially hidden by trees, it was hard to get a clear shot of it.  This one is looking up the hill. Click any image for a larger view And some […]

What’s Round, and Colorful, and Messy?

What’s round and colorful and messy?  The tables at a recent color class. Click any image for a larger view The participants spent no time at all covering their tables in multiple layers of colorful papers. We used magazine pages and paint chips.  They’re easy to work worth and not precious like our fabric.  Pretty […]

More Design in Sebring

The Art Quilters Unlimited group needed very little encouragement when it came to working loosely on their quilts. Nancy limited herself to working only with scraps.  Some of them were seamed together so she used these to her advantage.  Have you ever seen such high energy coconuts? Click any image for a larger view Sue […]

Designing in Sebring

I had great fun teaching the talented quilters from Art Quilters Unlimited, at their annual retreat.  The first class was “Design Your Own Nature Quilt,” which these go-getters fully embraced. Sally used a wonderful photo she had taken at a botanical garden.  She came to class with it already cropped, but sent me the full […]

Do Birds Like Glass Art?

While photographing the glass sculptures at Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden, I happened to capture a snowy egret coming to investigate. Click any image for a larger view He gave it a close inspection, looking for food, I’m guessing. When he didn’t find it he curled his long neck in,  hunched up his “shoulders” and  I think […]

A Boat Full of Baubles

Are you familiar with the work of glass artist Dale Chihuly?  This work is amazing and his installations in public gardens are truly awe inspiring. I got to see his current exhibition at Fairchild Tropical Botanical Gardens in Coral Gables, FL, (Miami area.)  Wow!  Today, I am showing you just one of the fantastic pieces, […]