Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Second UFO Complete

This is God Bless You, the other UFO (unfinished object) I recently completed. Like the first UFO, I worked on this one, primarily, in medical waiting rooms.  Fortunately, I got to know many others who were also waiting and I made some good friends.  One of them always said “God Bless You.”  And He did bless me […]

UFOs No More

You know about UFOs, right?  Unfinished objects?  Like all quilters, I have my fair share.  The holiday break seemed like a good time to dig some out, rather than to start something new.  So, I worked on two very small collages, adding lots of hand stitching. This one is called Making New Friends, photographed on […]

New Gizmos

I’ve recently discovered/rediscovered some products that are making my quilting life easier.  The most significant is Roxanne’s Glue-Baste-It.*  Click any image for a larger view The great thing about this glue is the long skinny nozzle.  This allows me to add glue under fabrics that are already in place.  A BIG improvement over ALL THE PINS […]

Inspired by the Fabric

I recently purchased a beautiful hand dyed fat quarter, from Gabriele Bullard, of Fabrilish. Click any image for a larger view Isn’t it gorgeous?!? I spent a bit of time deciding how to best use it.  Certainly, it was tempting to keep it intact and to simply add other fabrics around it. But, I wasn’t […]

A Wacky Way to Make a Background

I completed a quilt in mid-December and didn’t want to start anything major during the holidays.  So, I dug into my UFO (unfinished objects) drawer and my scrap bag for some small projects. I got the idea of fusing scraps onto muslin in order to create a random background.  But then I thought, “Why do […]

New Online Class: Grow with the Flow

The online version of “Grow with the Flow” is ready to go, starting on January 23rd.  Since online student’s have more time and space than participants in the live class, their project is larger and the proportions are taller and skinnier.  Like this: Click any image for a larger view But the fun process and dramatic project remain!  Students […]

West Palm Beach Quilt Show 2015 – More Photos

Here are a few more eye catchers from the West Palm show. Susan Rienzo does a wonderful job of combining colors. Click any image for a larger view I thought Eyvonne handled the water reflection beautifully in this next quilt.   Even though I got an arm in this photo, I thought you’d enjoy seeing […]

Best Pictorial!

I was thrilled to win Best Pictorial at last week’s World Quilt Show – Florida, in West Palm, FL.  My quilt, Carefree, did the trick. Click any image for a larger view It was a lot of fun to visit the show, accept a few compliments, see all the great quilts, and – of course […]

Join Me in Melbourne, FL

Talking about my quilts is one of my favorite things to do and I get to do it for the Sunstitchers on January 16th.  Can’t wait! I’ll show many quilts, tell about my inspiration and process, and answer questions.  I’m not sure which quilts I’ll be bringing, yet, but I’ll definitely include this large favorite. Click on image for […]

2014 in Review

While most people are busy making resolutions for the new year, I prefer to look back at the accomplishments of the previous year.  So, I put together a compilation photo of (most of) the fabric collages I made in 2014.  They’re shown in approximately the same scale, with sizes ranging from 7 x 5 to 51 x […]