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From Photo to Abstract

I’ve been having SO MUCH FUN working on my current quilt!  It’s an abstracted design, which always pushes me outside of my comfort zone.  But, I love the way it’s coming together.

First, I needed a design.  I took my cues from a Quilting Arts TV segment featuring Pat Pauly.  She suggested cutting up a photo and rearranging it in order to create shapes and lines for an abstract design.

Okay, then.  This is the photo I chose.

Photo to Abstract. Ellen Lindner,

I cropped it to 7.5″ x 10″ and then cut it into 12 – 2.5″ squares.  I selected my six favorite squares and created a composition with them.  (Thanks to the square shape, the pieces can be easily rotated and still fit together nicely.)

Photo to Abstract. Ellen Lindner,

Gee, I was really loving this!  Next, I outlined the major shapes and traced them.

Photo to Abstract. Ellen Lindner,

Voila: an abstract design which can be worked in any values or colors.  I decided to create it in colors similar to the original photo and I did a little coloring on the computer.
(As you can see, I changed my mind about the orientation.)

Photo to Abstract. Ellen Lindner,

However, I had leftover “hot” fabric from my last quilt and decided to kick it up with vibrant colors.  Like these.

Photo to Abstract. Ellen Lindner,

On to the fabric selection!  I can’t wait to show you my progress.  Check back soon.

Ellen Lindner
P.S.  Since I did this design step a while ago, I have an earlier post with a little more info.



Is It Hot in Here or is It Just Me?

As a warm-natured Floridian, I’m often asking “Is it hot in here, or is it just me?”  The hot colors of this quilt made me think of that, so I used my frequent question as the title.

Is it Hot in Here, or is It Just Me? An improvisational art quilt by Ellen Lindner.

Is it Hot in Here, or is It Just Me?

This quilt is larger than most of mine, 54 high x 49 wide.  So large, in fact, I thought it might one day get used for snuggle purposes. With that in mind, I put a binding on it.  (For the first time in about 14 years!)  Of course, I still consider it an art quilt and I added a sleeve for hanging.

Here’s a detail shot.

Is it Hot in Here, or is It Just Me? - detail. An improvisational art quilt by Ellen Lindner.

This quilt was a lot of fun to make!  You can see my in-progess posts in the related links, below.

This piece is for sale.  Find full info here.

Ellen Lindner


Stitched: Final Quilts

Here are the final pieces from “Stitched:  Embracing the Quilt as Fine Art.”

Stitched: Embracing the Quilt as Fine Art. Ellen Lindner,

Florida, by Pam Morris


Stitched: Embracing the Quilt as Fine Art. Ellen Lindner,

Mangroves, by Pam Morris


Stitched: Embracing the Quilt as Fine Art. Ellen Lindner,

Celebrating The Ainu, by Yolanda Reardon


Stitched: Embracing the Quilt as Fine Art. Ellen Lindner,

Incoming Messages, by Susan Rienzo


Stitched: Embracing the Quilt as Fine Art. Ellen Lindner,

Sunshine State of Mind II, by Susan Rienzo


Stitched: Embracing the Quilt as Fine Art. Ellen Lindner,

Leather & Lace, Broken Whole, by Michele Sanandajian


Stitched: Embracing the Quilt as Fine Art. Ellen Lindner,

Star by Choice, by Michele Sanandajian


Stitched: Embracing the Quilt as Fine Art. Ellen Lindner,

Winter Solitude, by Becky Stack


Stitched: Embracing the Quilt as Fine Art. Ellen Lindner,

Moons of Neptune + one, by Rhoda Taylor


Stitched: Embracing the Quilt as Fine Art. Ellen Lindner,

Post Traumatic Stress Demons, by Patrician Anderson Turner


Stitched: Embracing the Quilt as Fine Art. Ellen Lindner,

Maestro, by Patricia Anderson Turner


Stitched: Embracing the Quilt as Fine Art. Ellen Lindner,

Crystal Clear, by Marianne R. Williamson


Stitched: Embracing the Quilt as Fine Art. Ellen Lindner,

Tis the Season, by Marianne R.Williamson

All the pieces in this exhibit were made by Florida members of SAQA (Studio Art Quilt Associates.)  I hope you’ve enjoyed seeing them.

Ellen Lindner


“Stitched” Exhibit – Part Three

More art from “Stitched:  Embracing the Quilt as Fine Art.”

Stitched: Embracing the Quilt as Fine Art. Ellen Lindner,

Membrane, by Deborah Krajkowski


Stitched: Embracing the Quilt as Fine Art. Ellen Lindner,

Benzaiten, by Deborah Krajkowski


Stitched: Embracing the Quilt as Fine Art. Ellen Lindner,

Tribute to Maria of San Ildefonso, by Janice Kreuzinger


Stitched: Embracing the Quilt as Fine Art. Ellen Lindner,

Sunset Cove, by Karol Kusmaul


Stitched: Embracing the Quilt as Fine Art. Ellen Lindner,

Wing It, by Loreen Leedy


Stitched: Embracing the Quilt as Fine Art. Ellen Lindner,

Second Thoughts, by Ellen Lindner

More about the quilt above.

Stitched: Embracing the Quilt as Fine Art. Ellen Lindner,

Vine Ripened, by Ellen Lindner

More about the quilt above.

Stitched: Embracing the Quilt as Fine Art. Ellen Lindner,

Energy of Hope, by Susan Lumsden


Stitched: Embracing the Quilt as Fine Art. Ellen Lindner,

Sweat Equity, by Susan Lumsden

Stitched: Embracing the Quilt as Fine Art. Ellen Lindner,

Grapes, by Shirley MacGregor

Stitched: Embracing the Quilt as Fine Art. Ellen Lindner,

Nonsynchronous Array, by Sheilana Massey

These quilts were recently on display at the  Court House Cultural Center, in Stuart, FL.

Stay tuned for the final segment.

Ellen Lindner


“Stitched” Exhibit – Part Two

Continuing on with quilts from “Stitched:  Embracing the Quilt as Fine Art.”

Stitched: Embracing the Quilt as Fine Art. Ellen Lindner,

Casual Query #6 or 2nd Amendment Remedy, by Leslie Hall


Stitched: Embracing the Quilt as Fine Art. Ellen Lindner,

Liberty Tonic, by Leslie Hall


Stitched: Embracing the Quilt as Fine Art. Ellen Lindner,

Religion Poisons Everything, by Louise Hall


Stitched: Embracing the Quilt as Fine Art. Ellen Lindner,

Blue Rockfish, by Christine Holden


Stitched: Embracing the Quilt as Fine Art. Ellen Lindner,

Gathering Storm, by Christine Holden


Stitched: Embracing the Quilt as Fine Art. Ellen Lindner,

Quiet Moment, by Christine Holden

Stitched: Embracing the Quilt as Fine Art. Ellen Lindner,

Earth Whispers, by Andrea Huffman


Stitched: Embracing the Quilt as Fine Art. Ellen Lindner,

Listening, by Andrea Huffman


Stitched: Embracing the Quilt as Fine Art. Ellen Lindner,

Greenhouse Green Monster, by Doris Hulse


Stitched: Embracing the Quilt as Fine Art. Ellen Lindner,

Wind in Her Ears, by Margaret Knepper

All art quilts were made by Florida members of SAQA, Studio Art Quilt Associates.  More images to come!

Ellen Lindner


“Stitched: Embracing the Quilt as Fine Art” – Part One

Remember me telling you about the “Stitched” exhibit, in Stuart, FL?  It’s about to end, so I thought I’d show you the quilts, in case you didn’t get to see them.  (This will take several posts.)  Enjoy!

Stitched: Embracing the Quilt as Fine Art. Ellen Lindner,

Tribute to Selene, by Sharon Buck


Stitched: Embracing the Quilt as Fine Art. Ellen Lindner,

Citrus, by Cheryl Costley


Stitched: Embracing the Quilt as Fine Art. Ellen Lindner,

Red Violet Structure, by Cheryl Costley

Stitched: Embracing the Quilt as Fine Art. Ellen Lindner,

Coccolobra #2, by Cheryl Costley

Stitched: Embracing the Quilt as Fine Art. Ellen Lindner,

On the Edge of Darkness, by Maggie Dillon

Stitched: Embracing the Quilt as Fine Art. Ellen Lindner,

N’awlins Heritage, by Maggie Dillon

Stitched: Embracing the Quilt as Fine Art. Ellen Lindner,

Choices, by Maggie Dillon

Foliage, by Gabriel DiTota


Stitched: Embracing the Quilt as Fine Art. Ellen Lindner,

Dots Without the Polka, by Sally Dutko

Stitched: Embracing the Quilt as Fine Art. Ellen Lindner,

Hot Trees, by Suzanne Evenson

Erasing the Future, by Suzanne Evenson

These are just the first few.  Check future posts for more art!

Ellen Lindner


Fabric Cookies: High Fiber and Calorie Free

Have you ever heard of fabric cookies?  Me neither.  Until I invented them.

I needed a way for a my statewide SAQA group to thank a smaller group, so I asked the state members to make fabric cookies as thank you gifts.  I described them as something, about palm/hand sized made with fabric.  They ran with those loose instructions and came through in spades!  I received 107 cookies, which made a very significant pile.

Fabric cookies on Ellen Lindner's blog:

They were all very different.

Fabric cookies on Ellen Lindner's blog:

Fabric cookies on Ellen Lindner's blog:

Fabric cookies on Ellen Lindner's blog:

Fabric cookies on Ellen Lindner's blog:

Here ‘s a closer look at some of them.

Fabric cookies on Ellen Lindner's blog:

Below, check out the top left cookie.  It was one of TWENTY-SIX sent by Marlene Glickman!

Fabric cookies on Ellen Lindner's blog:

And, what about the zipper treatment on the heart above?  I love that.

The next photo is not that great, but I think you can tell they’re fortune cookies.  Aren’t they cute?

Fabric cookies on Ellen Lindner's blog:

The one on the right, below, was one of several I made.

Fabric cookies on Ellen Lindner's blog:

My cookies were easy.  I just grabbed a few scraps (out of the trash can) and collaged them into loose circle shapes.  I stitched them together and later added hand stitching.  They were very easy and fast.

Fabric cookies on Ellen Lindner's blog:

Presenting the cookies was lots of fun.  I went to a meeting of the appropriate group.  (We call them pods here in SAQA Florida.)  Several members pitched in to provide brunch which I got to deliver.  Once everyone had their food, I told them about a great homemade dessert that I’d brought for the occasion.  Then, I dumped the entire collection of fabric cookies on the table.  It was quite a pile and it had the appropriate effect of drama and awe.  They were very happy with all of this, and I think (and hope) they felt appreciated.

It’s so wonderful working with dedicated volunteers!  I’m so thankful for those who pitch in.

Ellen Lindner (Florida representative for SAQA, Studio Art Quilt Associates)


Sharpies and Alcohol

Have you heard about “painting” with Sharpies?  The idea is to draw with a Sharpie on to fabric, and then to apply rubbing alcohol, which makes the color bleed in interesting ways.

Here’s a quick tutorial.

After reading it, I was ready to give it a try.  I used a fine tipped black Sharpie, which bled into purple.

Sharpies and Alcohol. Ellen Lindner,

Sharpies and Alcohol. Ellen Lindner,

Pretty cool, huh?

But, if I try this again, I’d like the design to have more white and less purple.  So, either I’d need to use less alcohol or I’d need to draw the design with more open space.

Still, a successful experiment.  (Also quick and fun.)

Ellen Lindner


Arranging Improv Blocks

After making about 15 improvisationally pieced units/blocks, it was time to figure out hot to best arrange them.  In the past, I just put them all together and was happy with the result.  So, I tried that first.

Starting an Improv Quilt. Ellen Lindner,

Sure enough, it was lively and energetic.  But, I wondered if the energy was TOO over the top.  Did it just look frenetic?  (Especially with such dramatic colors.)  Would it look better if there were units of plain fabric interspersed with the pieced blocks?

I auditioned the idea on my computer.

Starting an Improv Quilt. Ellen Lindner,

Hmm.  It still had plenty of energy, but it did calm down some.  I decided to go with this plan.

Which meant that my quilt suddenly grew by a factor of about 3!  Heck, it’ll probably be big enough to snuggle under!  When was the last time I made a quilt that size?!? (Answer 2001.)

Back to work adding in plain squares.  So far I’m liking the result.

Ellen Lindner


Starting a New Improv Quilt

While making Deliberation I purchased quite a few rust-colored fabrics.  Several of them were purchased online as part of a collection.  So, along with those rust colors, I received many luscious oranges, reds, and fuchsias.  I really liked them and began to plan how I might use them.

I love hand-dyed quilts with many similar colors of the same hue.  I’m not into dyeing, but I suspected I could buy something similar.  And I was right.   Soon, I had a collection of solid and near-solid fabrics in a tight color combination of orange to fuchsia.  Knowing that I’d need some different values and accent colors, I also purchased some neutral browns, as well as yellow-greens and purples with a hand stamped look.

This is what it looked like when I auditioned the combination on my design wall.

Starting an Improv Quilt. Ellen Lindner,

As you can see, I auditioned them in the proportions in which I intended to use them.  (Very important.)  The major colors are shown in large quantities and the accent ones in small shapes.  I liked the combination so I proceeded with cutting rectangles: largish ones from major colors and small ones from accents.  My plan was to use improvisational piecing, which simply means that no patterns are used.  (See the P.S. note)

Next, I pieced together couples made up of one large and one small piece.  I put them back on the design wall and checked proportions again.  I made some adjustments by sewing a few new blocks, adding some dark neutrals, and trimming down some of the existing ones.  Once I had the proportions to my liking I felt like I could forge ahead without a lot more planning.  Notice that all the seams were curved and many were diagonal.  In the photo below I was just getting started cutting and rearranging the first round of shapes.

Starting an Improv Quilt. Ellen Lindner,

At this point, I was confident in my plan and ready to get started.  With improvisational piecing it’s great fun to slice into things and sew them back together with a shifted orientation.  Or to insert skinny strips of contrasting colors.  My plan was to do plenty of both.  My idea was to make a bunch of  “blocks,” some with lots of tiny pieces and others with just one alteration.  Then, I intended to let the intricate pieces create a  focal point and to use the simpler pieces around the edges.

This is an example of what I did as I combined and altered two “couples,” making them into one block.

The two couples joined with a horizontal seam:

Starting an Improv Quilt. Ellen Lindner,

Two skinny strips inserted:

Starting an Improv Quilt. Ellen Lindner,

Right side cut and shifted:

Starting an Improv Quilt. Ellen Lindner,

Another skinny insert added.  This one was a scrap from earlier trimming and therefore had two colors in it.

Starting an Improv Quilt. Ellen Lindner,

Two more cuts and shifts added: diagonal and horizontal.

Starting an Improv Quilt. Ellen Lindner,

A final horizontal shift.

Starting an Improv Quilt. Ellen Lindner,

This is the final version of the most intricate block.  I won’t square it up any more than necessary.  I’ll leave it like this until I’m ready to join blocks together.  At that point I’ll trim only as needed, but it’s very unlikely that it will end up as a rectangle.

All of this is easy, so it’s quite addicting to slice and alter!

Ellen Lindner
P.S.  There are lots of things online about how to do improvisational piecing, although most of them have to do with straight seams.  I learned from Quilting Arts TV, series 1600 with Pat Pauly.
Here’s a good YouTube video about free cutting and piecing curved seams: 
P.P.S.  My old blog has some info about improvisational piecing, too:
Getting started
Putting blocks together