Tracking Quilt Entries
©Ellen Lindner 2016

Whether you enter quilt and art shows frequently or only occasionally, it’s important to keep track of all the exhibit information.  But, with made-by-dates, dimensions, entry deadlines, and fees, it’s a lot to keep straight.  Here’s a look at how I do it.

When I learn about a show that interests me I go to the website and print out the call for art and the rules.  I read it thoroughly and highlight the important information.


Next, I transfer this information to a Word document on my computer.  I assign a letter to each show and keep everything in alphabetical order.  It looks like this.


The headings are as follows:  Alpha, Name and Location (URL), Entry Date (Post-mark,) Added to Personal calendar, Added to travel calendar, Show dates, Quilt travel dates, Entry fees, Other criteria, Quilts to consider, Perks, and Comments/Status.  I use colors and symbols to track shows of interest, shows entered, etc.

The two headings about calendar notations are prompts to remind me to add notes to the two calendars mentioned.  I put entry deadlines on my personal calendar, and quilt travel dates on the calendar of the same name.  It looks like this.  (This is an electronic calendar on my computer.)

Tracking exhibit info. Ellen Lindner,

Looking at this calendar I can immediately tell if any of the dates conflict.

After a quilt has returned from a show I throw away the paperwork, but I keep the electronic info.  It comes in handy sometimes.

If you want to try something similar, here’s a link to the Word doc about exhibit info.  (Clicking on that link will automatically download it.)

I hope you get into all the exhibits of your choice!