Oh, I forgot how much fun it is to be IN-PERSON with a group of students. Especially when the class is “Floral Improv.” The students were SO excited with their progress and it was exhilarating! See what I mean.
Nancy’s quilt, ready for outline stitching.
Tee’s background is quilted. Once she adds leaves (optional) she’ll be ready to stitch.
Pat is ready to stitch her piece.
Lisa S. worked outside her comfort zone, but isn’t it great?
Lisa M used more muted colors. Hers is also ready for stitching.
Normally, this class runs for 6 hours. We only had about 5, but everyone, like Laura below, completed their compositions in that time.
Like Laurel, (quilt below,) they’ll add some defining stitching on the poppies, in black.
I was really thrilled with the progress made in this class! EVERY student got excellent results. I’ll show you the remaining students’ work in the next post.
Ellen Lindner