Archive | May, 2024

Antiquing in the South

When you go antiquing in Virginia you’re very likely to find items related to the Civil War. Such was the case at J.S. Mosby Antiques and Artifacts in Orange, VA, where these period uniforms were displayed just inside the door.

Antiquing in the South. Ellen Lindner,

The owner, Stephen Sylvia, is an expert on military weapons. Here, he was showing us this Navy boat flag with 49 stars.

Antiquing in the South. Ellen Lindner,

Of course, he has non-military items in his store, too. Like this once-lovely needle pointed chair.

Antiquing in the South. Ellen Lindner,

Mr. Sylvia spent a bit of time with us and taught us a lot about rifles of the late 1800s. It was very interesting.

This bust kept an eye on things. Do you recognize him?

Antiquing in the South. Ellen Lindner,

Yes, it’s Robert E. Lee.

There’s so much history in Virginia. Just outside of town is Montpelier, the home of James and Dolly Madison.

Ellen Lindner
P.S. This antique shop is immediately adjacent to the art center, where my work in currently on display.



The Opening Reception!

The opening reception for my show was FANTASTIC! First, take a quick look at the artwork.

exhibit before opening

If you’re extremely observant, you may have noticed that the video included one piece with a red dot on the label. That’s right, it sold BEFORE the opening! Woohoo! I was elated. Here it is.

Poppies Ablaze, an art quilt by Ellen Lindner.

Poppies AblazeLots of people came to the reception. Many of them were family and friends, plus a healthy dose of quilters. I even saw people from my high school days! (And RECOGNIZED some of them! Crazy.)

Here I am with long-time family friends.

The Opening Reception. Ellen Lindner,

And here are a few more artwork photos, moving around the room. These are 6 pieces in my Notes for a Friend series. (They worked well with the adjacent purple cabinet.)

Hanging the Show. Ellen Lindner,

The corner with Spring Forth. It was one of the pieces I mentioned in my remarks.

The Opening Reception. Ellen Lindner,

Exuberance, centered on the right wall.

The Opening Reception. Ellen Lindner,

The far right corner, showing the second aqua wall.

The Opening Reception. Ellen Lindner,

Several people complemented me on the use of the aqua walls. I was just LUCKY to have artwork in those colors!

Close-ups of two more Notes for a Friend. These both sold that night.

The Opening Reception. Ellen Lindner,

This piece also sold that night, Ti Plants A-Glow-Glow.

Hanging the Show. Ellen Lindner,

To say that the evening was exhilarating is an understatement. I got to talk about my work to a room full of interested people. (I got LOTS of questions and had many small group conversations.) And I got to catch up with old friends and enjoy the company of family. It was a great event!

There was so much interest in my process that a gallery talk/demo was quickly added for June 28th, at 2 PM. I love that!

This show will be up until June 29th. If  you’re in central VA I hope you’ll get to see it.

Ellen Lindner
P.S. Exhibit details


Hanging the Show

I arrived at The Arts Center in Orange, VA with a thorough plan about how I would hang my show. But, you know what they say about that sort of thing. It turns out that some of the measurements and the configuration were a little different than I had anticipated.

For instance, this was my plan for the left wall.

Hanging the Show. Ellen Lindner,

Then, I got there and discovered this in the middle of that wall.

Hanging the Show. Ellen Lindner,
I knew this purple cabinet would be in the space, but I thought I’d be able to reposition it. But no: it was bolted to the wall! Time to rethink. I ended up shifting the 3 pieces to the left corner and adjacent wall. I was really happy with the way the artwork played off the aqua color.

Hanging the Show. Ellen Lindner,

To the right of the cabinet I hung 6 of my little Notes for a Friend.  That’s my mom helping me measure.

Hanging the Show. Ellen Lindner,

I had two more EXCELLENT helpers, my sister-in-law, Lisa, and a local fiber artist friend, Marty. It took us quite a while and there’s no way I could have done it without them.

This was my plan for the brick wall. It’s the main wall you see when entering the room.

Hanging the Show. Ellen Lindner,

I was able to hang it exactly as planned. I’ll show you better photos in the next post, but these will give you an idea.

Hanging the Show. Ellen Lindner,

Hanging the Show. Ellen Lindner,

We were all ready for the show to open! The opening reception was a blast and I’ll show you about that in my next post.

Ellen Lindner
P.S. Exhibit details: The Arts Center in Orange, Orange, VA, May 1 – June 29.