An Exhibit by Jill Kerttula

Maybe you’re familiar with the fiber art of Jill Kerttula. She’s known for her realistic scenes and rich textural techniques. I recently got to meet up with her to see her exhibit in Charlottesville, VA.

We were greeted by this fabulous piece, Crowd of Strangers. And that’s Jill standing with it.
Jill Kerttula exhibit. Ellen Lindner,

Most of the pavement in the piece above is actually woven to create texture. The whole piece really deserved study.

As you can tell, Jill is a people watcher. She showed us her sketchbook that she carries with her at all times. She uses it to sketch people in everyday situations, such as riding a bus or waiting in line.

Jill Kerttula exhibit. Ellen Lindner,

Jill is also an extremely talented photographer with a keen eye for composition. She often photographs everyday events and uses them as inspiration for fiber art or paintings. For this exhibit, it was mostly the latter. I just love these!

Jill Kerttula exhibit. Ellen Lindner,

Ciggy Break


Jill Kerttula exhibit. Ellen Lindner,

Summer Reading


Jill Kerttula exhibit. Ellen Lindner,

Dance Lessons


Jill Kerttula exhibit. Ellen Lindner,

Fresh Daily

Aren’t they great? They’re very much in the “slice of life” genre and I really enjoyed seeing them.

Jill’s exhibit has now closed, but you can see all the pieces on her website. I encourage you to take a look.

Thanks for the tour, Jill!

Ellen Lindner

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