Author Archive | Ellen Lindner

Chihuly in St. Pete

I imagine you’re already familiar with the work of glass sculptor, Dale Chihuly. He makes extraordinary sheer pieces that seem lighter than air. Many times, he creates elaborate installations in public gardens.

I got to see some of his work in St. Petersburg, FL at Chihuly Collection. Here are a few of the pieces we saw.

Chihuly in St. Pete. Ellen Lindner,

A typical “chandelier.” Many are about 10 times this big.


Chihuly in St. Pete. Ellen Lindner,

An installation of “platters.” Notice the shadows, too.


Chihuly in St. Pete. Ellen Lindner,

“Platter” detail.


Chihuly in St. Pete. Ellen Lindner,

As you can see, the lighting is an important part of any Chihuly exhibit. Don’t you love it?


Chihuly in St. Pete. Ellen Lindner,

A typical Chihuly ceiling: MANY “platters” face down on a plate glass support. This was shot looking straight up.

Aren’t they amazing? If you ever get the chance to see his work  you’ll definitely want to. Especially if it’s an outdoor installation. In the meantime, enjoy perusing his website.

I hope you get to see some awesome art soon!

Ellen Lindner


“Raking Season” Complete

I loved making this quilt and I’m VERY happy with the results!

Raking Season, an art quilt by Ellen Lindner.

Raking Season

I dyed all the fabrics for this quilt, except for one. I love how they go together! (Note: I didn’t dye them specifically to go together. They’re ones I’ve dyed over a couple of years, but because I’m often drawn to the same colors, stencils, and techniques they ended up being a very cohesive group.)

Can you see that this quilt only has about 12 pieces? I was able to use large pieces due to the patterns in the fabrics. I’ve tried that before, but I think this was my most successful attempt.

Here’s a detail shot:

Raking Season - detail, an art quilt by Ellen Lindner.

See larger images and more information about this quilt.

Ellen Lindner
P.S. If you want to see this quilt in-progress, check my posts from September 2022, or click the links below.


Gio Sway, “Fresh Up” Part Two

In my last post I showed you the marvelous work of mixed media artist Gio Swaby. While those pieces were done almost entirely with stitch, she has other series in which she uses colorful fabrics.

Gio Swaby - Part 2. Ellen Lindner,

The body language! Again, these are life-sized.

Don’t you feel like you know this woman?

Gio Swaby - Part 2. Ellen Lindner,

In her series, New Growth, Swaby honors black hair. What style!

Gio Swaby - Part 2. Ellen Lindner,

Gio Swaby - Part 2. Ellen Lindner,

This exhibit was on display at the Museum of Fine Arts, St. Petersburg, FL. It has moved on, but you can see more with these resources:

The exhibit book
An ABC news video
A Fox 13 news video

Ellen Lindner



Gio Swaby, “Fresh Up”

I was really blown away when I saw the work of Gio Swaby, in her “Fresh Up” solo show at the Museum of Fine Art, in St. Petersburg, FL!

The introductory text for the exhibit says “Swaby’s work functions as love letters to Black women.” I think that’s it, exactly! Just take a look.

Gio Swaby, "Fresh Up." Ellen Lindner,

Isn’t this woman confident and powerful?

Gio Swaby, "Fresh Up." Ellen Lindner,

As you can see, Swaby uses black stitching to draw her subjects on canvas. The pieces are life-sized, which gives them a lot of presence.

Gio Swaby, "Fresh Up." Ellen Lindner,

Gio Swaby, "Fresh Up." Ellen Lindner,

Swaby states that the exhibit subtitle, “Fresh Up,” is “a Bahamian way to describe someone who is particularly stylish – also used to give props to the wearer. I love the uplifting nature of this phrase.”

In some cases Swaby has shown the back of the piece, allowing the viewer to see thread lines that have been carried from feature to feature.

Gio Swaby, "Fresh Up." Ellen Lindner,

Those faces!

Gio Swaby, "Fresh Up." Ellen Lindner,

Those poses!

Gio Swaby, "Fresh Up." Ellen Lindner,

I am totally smitten with this work!

Unfortunately, the exhibit has moved on, but you can see more with these resources:
The exhibit book
An ABC news video
A Fox 13 news video

Ellen Lindner


Scrap Happy: Red

I had some very lovely scraps from a recent quilt, but they were tiny. Too small to piece. So, I cut them into skinny triangles and started gluing them to a muslin base.

Scrap Happy: Red. Ellen Lindner,

I LOVED the colors and I also found this rather mindless task to be fun and relaxing.

I added skinny “white” strips to cover where the pieces met.

Scrap Happy: Red. Ellen Lindner,

Scrap Happy: Red. Ellen Lindner,

Aren’t the colors pretty? Here’s where I ended up, after quilting with a zigzag stitch, in order to hold everything together.

Scrap Happy: Red. Ellen Lindner,

I’m very happy with it, but now what do I do with it? The batting ends (with messy edges) at the end of the design. Not sure how to handle that or where I want to go with it. I’ll let it live on my secondary design wall for a while, in hopes of inspiration.

Ellen Lindner
P.S. I did the gluing with Roxanne Glue-Baste-It. I love that stuff! (But, it clogs easily, so I always have two on hand.)


“Black Pioneers” on Display in St. Petersburg, FL

Cathy Williams wanted to serve in the ranks of the all-black Buffalo soldiers, but was not allowed to do so because of her gender.

"Black Pioneers" on Display in St. Petersburg, FL. Ellen Lindner,

So she disguised herself as a man and joined the army as William Cathay. She served for two years before being found out.

"Black Pioneers" on Display in St. Petersburg, FL. Ellen Lindner,

Her story was just many of the ones I saw when I visited the “Black Pioneers” art quilt exhibit in St. Petersburg, FL. It was a very interesting exhibit, curated by noted black historian, Dr. Caryolyn Mazaloomi. As you might expect, I was very unfamiliar with most of the people and events depicted. Thankfully, the artists’ statements filled me in.

Artist Rosy Petri depicted Thomas C. Fleming, America’s longest serving black journalist.

"Black Pioneers" on Display in St. Petersburg, FL. Ellen Lindner,

Tierney Davis Hogan depcited another black writer: poet Langston Hughes.

"Black Pioneers" on Display in St. Petersburg, FL. Ellen Lindner,

Some quilts had a very folksy quality, like Trail Blazers, by Marion Coleman. Her quilt depicts a time when 25% of all American cowboys were African-American.

"Black Pioneers" on Display in St. Petersburg, FL. Ellen Lindner,

Other quilts were very realistic and sophisticated. Carolyn Crump was especially good at this. Here is her piece, Game Changer. It depicts Lt. Charles Young, who served in the Utah frontier.

"Black Pioneers" on Display in St. Petersburg, FL. Ellen Lindner,

I hope you can see that this quilt has several 3D aspects.

"Black Pioneers" on Display in St. Petersburg, FL. Ellen Lindner,

And here’s Stagecoach Mary, made by Dorothy Burge. Mary Fields (her real name) was a Wild West Legend because she was the first black woman to deliver mail by stagecoach. She was known for her speed, her marksmanship, and her hard drinking.

Black Pioneers on Display in St. Petersburg, FL. Ellen Lindner,

This was probably my favorite quilt in the exhibit. I love the way Burge has made the quilt in the shape of the person.

Men of Valor – Sergeant Benjamin Brown and Corporal Isaiah Mays was made by Tomasita Louviere-Ligons. It features these two frontiersmen who served “above and beyond” in Arizona Territory, earning each of them a Medal of Honor.

"Black Pioneers" on Display in St. Petersburg, FL. Ellen Lindner,

Although most of the quilts depicted people, several focused on events. Carolyn Crump’s The Truth Hurts: Riches, Resentment, Revenge, RIOTS speaks to the anger and resentment of white Tulsa citizens which casued them to massacre a group of prosperous blacks who lived across the railroad tracks.

"Black Pioneers" on Display in St. Petersburg, FL. Ellen Lindner,

Again, she has emphasized her message with 3D areas.

"Black Pioneers" on Display in St. Petersburg, FL. Ellen Lindner,

Viola Burley Leak’s piece, Watts Riot, depicts not only the chaos of the riot, but also some of the underlying issues that led to it.

"Black Pioneers" on Display in St. Petersburg, FL. Ellen Lindner,

There are about 50 quilts in this exhibit, so my photos have just scratched the surface. “Black Pioneers” will be on display through January 8th, 2023 at the James Museum, in St. Pete. There’s also some other wonderful art in this museum. It’s well worth the visit.

Ellen Lindner




Brown Fabrics Coming Together

I was really happy with the way my latest brown quilt was coming together. It was time to add in some curves.

Brown Fabrics Coming Together. Ellen Lindner,

Yes, that was more interesting.

Now what? I knew that massing colors together is often effective. So maybe I could add some dark ones near the bottom circle piece.

Brown Fabrics Coming Together. Ellen Lindner,

Yes, something along these lines. As you can see, I worked in some more curves.

It looked like it now needed to get wider on the right.

Brown Fabrics Coming Together. Ellen Lindner,

Oh yes! I was really getting excited about this!

Along the way I decided the far left panel needed to be narrower, for two reasons: 1 – to make it a different width from the far right panel, 2 – to move the dark black/rust circles away from center. I auditioned the idea by covering the left edge with a piece of muslin.

But, did the top need cropping too? Again, I auditioned the idea with a strip of muslin. (Which is exactly why I own these strips of muslin.)

Brown Fabrics Coming Together. Ellen Lindner,

With a little tweaking and sewing the top was completed.

Brown Fabrics Coming Together. Ellen Lindner,

I am LOVING it!!! On to quilting.

Ellen Lindner



Luscious Brown Fabrics

I’ve really been having fun playing with these fabrics. This photo shows my initial fabric audition.

Luscious Brown Fabrics. Ellen Lindner,

Aren’t they great? They’re all dyed by me.

I did a little editing and thought I was ready to compose. What now?

Luscious Brown Fabrics. Ellen Lindner,

I tend to arrange fabrics vertically when auditioning, so I decided to stretch a few  horizontally. Just to see.

Luscious Brown Fabrics. Ellen Lindner,

I didn’t think that worked so well, but it did get my brain to move away from the purely vertical pieces. What if I arranged the two dominant fabrics in a diagonal arrangement?

Luscious Brown Fabrics. Ellen Lindner,

Yes, that seemed better.

Time to audition a few accent colors. Since my accent fabrics were so much brighter than my main ones I knew I’d have to use them in very small amounts. Otherwise, they’d take over.

Luscious Brown Fabrics. Ellen Lindner,

I felt like I was moving in the right direction at this point. I knew it was time to throw some curves into the mix.

Ellen Lindner


“Adrenaline Rush” Complete

Have you been following along as I’ve used my “Tetris” skills to put this quilt together?
I’m calling it Adrenaline Rush.

Adrenaline Surge, an art quilt by Ellen Lindner. AdventureQuilter.comAdrenaline Rush

It was challenging at times, but I’m quite happy with the results.

Adrenaline Surge - detail, an art quilt by Ellen Lindner.

I dyed/printed all the fabrics myself!

See full details for this piece.

UPDATE: This piece got one more radical change. See it here.

Ellen Lindner
P.S. I’ve got a pretty collection of scraps. I’ll have to do something fun with them.


Make a Fabric Postcard

I recently made this fabric postcard as a “thank you” gift for the outgoing leader of one of my art quilt groups. I think they’re really appropriate for that sort of thing, and YES, you can mail them. (Although I make an envelope, too.)

Making Fabric Postcards. Ellen Lindner,

Fabric postcards are super fast and easy. I’ve written a tutorial for you where you can see several more examples.

Have fun!

Ellen Lindner