Better Planning This Time

Fresh on the heals of my recent “rough draft,” I used my lessons learned and jumped right into the next piece.

I wanted to use some of my hand dyed fabrics with larger scaled prints. This is fairly new to me and I often find it challenging. A good reason to do it! I pulled out the fabrics (I was willing to cut up) and studied them.

Better Planning This Time. Ellen Lindner,

I could see that the four pieces on the left could play together nicely (I hoped,) so I let them dictate the color scheme.

My sketchbook offered lots of composition ideas so I picked a favorite. This time I was smart enough to color in the values of the design. A huge help!

Better Planning This Time. Ellen Lindner,

I drew it onto the muslin base, 36 x 24.

Better Planning This Time. Ellen Lindner,

However, I could see this was not large enough for the fabrics I intended to use. If I cut them up enough to work at this size their designs would be disrupted too much. So, I got a new piece of muslin and scaled everything up to 45 x 30.

First, I auditioned fabrics and colors, incorporating several of my large-scaled pieces.

Better Planning This Time. Ellen Lindner,

Some experimenting was called for.  During the audition phase fabrics were folded and put loosely into place.

Better Planning This Time. Ellen Lindner,

 I was loving these colors!

Soon, I began to cut and place fabrics, pinning them to the muslin base on the design wall. I was happy! (And having fun!)

Better Planning This Time. Ellen Lindner,

It sure is easier when I have a plan!

Stay tuned to see where I take this.

Ellen Lindner

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