Blog Revamped!

Woohoo!  My website and blog are finally revamped!  You’ll notice the new look, but one of the coolest features is almost invisible:  the pages are “responsive.”  That means they know what size device they’re being read on and they automatically modify themselves accordingly.  It’s way more than just shrinking the content.  The software actually rearranges items to fit the device.  Like magic!

This image gives you an idea.  It shows what the website home page looks like on both my laptop and my phone.

Ellen Lindner.

Can you see how the text has moved and the navigation bar has condensed in the smaller version?

I’ve learned a lot about responsive software in the process of updating everything.  One thing new to me was a symbol called a hamburger.  There’s an arrow pointing to it in the image below. (It does kinda look like a hamburger, doesn’t it?)  This symbol indicates navigation options (although it won’t always say that.)


Want to see how a responsive page works?  If you’re reading this on a laptop all you have to do is shrink the page from left to right.  You’ll see things move themselves automatically.  Or, read any web page on two different devices to notice the differences.  It’s pretty cool, but I think I’ve bored you enough with technology.  My next post will focus, once again, on art, creativity, and other visual treats!

Ellen Lindner

Find an abundance of other posts on my earlier blog here.

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