Cindy and Her Amazing Shibori-Colored Dreamcoat

Meet my friend Cindy Michaud.  She’s a very talented artist who paints gorgeous landscapes and still lifes.  Since she loves bright colors and strong contrasts, just like me, I LOVE her work!

Cindy Michaud's art. Ellen Lindner,

Still Standing, by Cindy Michaud

But Cindy is more than a painter.  She’s an artist in the truest sense of the word: always trying new things and exploring options.  She has a very adventurous spirt.  One week she might be making mosaics for her garden and the next she’s creating bird houses from gourds. And, since she has a local fiber art friend (not me) she’s even dabbled in dying fabric.

But what does a non-sewer do with hemmed napkins that have been dyed with tumeric and indigo?  Why, she puzzles them together and makes an amazing coat.

Amazing Shibori-Colored Dream coat. Ellen Lindner,

Amazing Shibori-Colored Dream coat. Ellen Lindner,

See what I mean?  She even used some pieces in the lining.

Amazing Shibori-Colored Dream coat. Ellen Lindner,

She did a lot of hand stitching on the coat, which added a wonderful layer of interest.

Amazing Shibori-Colored Dream coat. Ellen Lindner,

Amazing Shibori-Colored Dream coat. Ellen Lindner,

Amazing Shibori-Colored Dream coat. Ellen Lindner,

Don’t you love that accent of yellow?

Amazing Shibori-Colored Dream coat. Ellen Lindner,

Amazing Shibori-Colored Dream coat. Ellen Lindner,

I’ll bet Cindy’s going to get lots of attention when she wears this!

I hope you’ll check out Cindy’s website and blog.  I subscribe to her blog and really enjoy reading about her adventures and seeing her art.  I think  you’ll like it, too.

Ellen Lindner

11 Responses to Cindy and Her Amazing Shibori-Colored Dreamcoat

  1. Cindy July 26, 2018 at 7:52 am #

    Oh boy, I’m grinning ear to ear! Loved our (too short) visit, already looking forward to another! Meanwhile you gave me such a boost that my sewing machine just might see a little more action in the coming year! Here’s to a color filled adventure for all of us. Thanks, my friend.

    • Ellen Lindner July 26, 2018 at 9:38 am #

      Hey Cindy. I’m glad you’re happy with the post.

      I REALLY enjoyed our visit! Can’t wait to see what you do next.

  2. Barbara Pitts Aycock July 26, 2018 at 8:19 am #

    How I love dyeing with Cindy! Through snow storms and heavy rains and even sunshine, we have delighted ourselves in eco printing and eco dyeing. And to think this all began with store-bought tie dye kits! Cindy is amazing and so his her amazing coat.

    • Ellen Lindner July 29, 2018 at 11:51 pm #

      So, YOU’RE the one, Barbara! She told me the weather’s usually terrible when y’all get together. 🙂 But, it’s clear that you have fun and get great results. I love it all!

      • Barbara Pitts Aycock July 30, 2018 at 7:58 am #

        And Sunday we spent another colorful day in Asheville with Local Cloth and an indigo interest group dyeing, of course, with indigo! Cindy’s pieces were fabulous, and the group raved over her magic coat. She was definitely the star!

  3. Kathy Garvey July 26, 2018 at 5:11 pm #

    Lovely article, Ellen. And, yes, you are both amazing!

    • Ellen Lindner July 29, 2018 at 11:49 pm #

      Thanks, Kathy!

  4. Mary Ferrell July 28, 2018 at 8:43 am #

    Cindy is about the most creative person I know – it is a pleasure to be around her colorful and happy spirit. She is a multi-dimensional artist for sure. Thanks for the well written article, Ellen.

    • Ellen Lindner July 29, 2018 at 11:49 pm #

      You’re right about Cindy, Mary. I’m glad you enjoyed the article.

  5. vivian helena July 31, 2018 at 9:48 am #

    Thank you for showing your special friend, I signed up for her blog. Looks like fun.

    We are traveling the U.S. right now and I am blogging along the way…and trying to catch some quilt stores in the Quilters Travel Companion. Biggest disappointment was that some places we passed are not open on Monday, and they were the quilt stores on Farms. Hope we still find some. Come along and please share, if you’d like: https;//

    • Ellen Lindner August 2, 2018 at 1:05 am #

      Sounds like fun, Vivian. Enjoy!

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