Now I Like it Better

You may remember this piece that I made last year, Adrenaline Rush.

Adrenaline Surge, an art quilt by Ellen Lindner.

Adrenaline Rush

I liked it pretty well, but I never felt like it really sang. So, when my art group had a critique session, I took this quilt for comments. As it turns out, the group liked it very well, except for one thing. I took their advice and made their suggested change.

This is the result:

Adrenaline Rush, an art quilt by Ellen Lindner.

Adrenaline Rush

That’s right, I just rotated it 90 degrees. Incredible! I like it SO much better!

Why does it work better this way? There could be several reasons, but I suspect the most likely one is this: in Western society we read left to right and top to bottom. Therefore, we tend to scan artwork and other things with this same pattern. That is, top left to bottom right. Perhaps the skinny strips in the top left corner of the turned version are more interesting than the white print of the first version. Or maybe the very slight diagonal line, where the red and white meet, is more pleasing in the new orientation, since it sort of mimics the diagonal scanning pattern. Whatever it is, I like it!

Time to move the sleeve.

Ellen Lindner


2 Responses to Now I Like it Better

  1. Joni September 2, 2023 at 3:22 pm #

    About Adrenaline Rush – I view the original as a static design, heavy on the bottom, light on the top. Almost like the earth and sky. Ok, but not dynamic.

    Turning the piece on it’s side made it a more dynamic piece with movement. My eyes move around the piece more easily, much more interesting to look at.

    • Ellen Lindner September 5, 2023 at 12:33 pm #

      Hi Joni,

      Thanks for your thoughtful response. I think you’re right about that. I’m glad you like the new version!

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