Tag Archives | Studio

New studio Flooring

Check out my new studio flooring!

New studio flooring. Ellen Lindner, AdventureQuilter.com/blog

I just love it!

This photo was taken right after installation, before I moved ALL MY STUFF back in. I had it all piled in the dining room. Moving it in and out was QUITE the job!

I wanted new flooring to accomodate fabric dying and this is going to work great. I can just easily wipe  up dye, even after it dries. (Before, I was covering my carpeted floors with plastic for each dye session.)

Now, I can set up very quickly. I’m thinking I’ll be doing more dying. Can’t wait!

Ellen Lindner
P.S. I may have picked something a little too light. It’s definitely showing threads and such more easily, but so far I’m managing with a little increased  house keeping.


Studio Revamp 2020

When my husband offered to repaint my studio it set quite a few changes in motion. While everything was out of the room, I culled out A LOT of stuff and then organized it all much better when I stored it anew. Then, I got improved lighting as my Christmas present. It now looks and functions SO much better!

Here’s a video to prove it.

This is just one of several free videos on my website. Check ’em out here.

What’s the most useful thing in your studio, not counting scissors and fabric? I think mine is my design wall.

Ellen Lindner


No More Ribbons

Do you have a bunch of show ribbons on display? I did, but they all had to come down when I recently painted my studio. I probably had about 25 displayed and another 25 in a box waiting to be added to the wall.

One cornerShow ribbons. Ellen Lindner, AdventureQuilter.com/blog

My husband asked if I intended to put them back up. Of course I did! He reminded me that many of them were quite old and gently asked why they were still important to me. Well, gee. The only answer I could think of was “To feed my ego,” and that seemed rather lame. He commented that my studio had always had too much stuff on the walls for his liking. Hmm, that got me thinking. I DO like a more minimalist look in the rest of my home. Why should the studio be any different? Would I like it better with fewer things on the wall?

Eventually, I decided that yes, I would. And this is what happened.

No More Ribbons. Ellen Lindner, AdventureQuilter.com

What camp are you in? Do you like LOTS of things on your studio walls or do you like them more streamlined?

I’m still adjusting to the latter and am adding things back slowly. That editing is hard!

Ellen Lindner


GEARING Up for Online Teaching

I’m really excited to be gearing up for online teaching! And when I say “gearing up” there’s emphasis on the gear itself.

The lights, which my husband had to repair.

Gearing Up to Teach. Ellen Lindner, AdventureQuilter.com/blog

The camera, which I had to learn to use properly. (Thank goodness for YouTube!)

Gearing Up to Teach. Ellen Lindner, AdventureQuilter.com/blog

And the set ups. This one for standing was pretty straight forward. (Although I had to move some furniture.) Of course, I’ll add a back drop.

Gearing Up to Teach. Ellen Lindner, AdventureQuilter.com/blog

Figuring out the table shots took quite a bit more finagling. It’s like a Tetris game in that corner!

Gearing Up to Teach. Ellen Lindner, AdventureQuilter.com/blog

It’s a little tricky dodging stands, etc. to get into my chair.

I’m jumping through all these hoops in order to prepare high quality videos for my classes. The first one will be Double Reverse Applique and I can’t wait!

Ellen Lindner
P.S. I didn’t mention audio. It has been problematic, but the new microphone arrives soon and I plan to record right away!


Tour My Studio

My studio isn’t that big, but I make it work hard. I made a short video about it. (I even had to climb on the table at one point to get the proper view.)

Check out all my videos here.

What studio tricks and tips do you have?

Ellen Lindner


In the Studio

I thought you might like to see a little bit of my studio (which I did NOT clean up for your visit.)

This is my secondary design wall.  I seldom use it for creating.  Instead, it holds other things that need my attention, like these quilts waiting to be sprayed with UV protectant and photographed.

In the Studio. Ellen Lindner, AdventureQuilter.com/blog

My primary design wall is on the left and my working table is on the right.  When using the table I sit on the far right.

Let’s take a little tour.  This small quilt is one of the samples for my Floral Improv class.  It’s for the live class.  The online one has a much larger project (coming soon.)

In the Studio. Ellen Lindner, AdventureQuilter.com/blog

Since I’m working in a series with repeating motifs, I’m saving some of the patterns.

In the Studio. Ellen Lindner, AdventureQuilter.com/blog

And also precut shapes.

In the Studio. Ellen Lindner, AdventureQuilter.com/blog

These little fabric strips were in a project that I decided to discontinue.  Again, I’m saving them, since this color scheme will be used again.

In the Studio. Ellen Lindner, AdventureQuilter.com/blog

The top left corner isn’t too exciting.  Just a computer sketch for a recent quilt.

In the Studio. Ellen Lindner, AdventureQuilter.com/blog

But, if you follow that brown line upward you’ll see my decoration.  Yep, a hornet’s nest.

In the Studio. Ellen Lindner, AdventureQuilter.com/blog

I actually paid money for this nest and I love it.  My husband thinks I’m nuts!

As I was taking details shots, I discovered a pleasant surprise: an interesting composition.

In the Studio. Ellen Lindner, AdventureQuilter.com/blog

That has potential, don’t you think?  I’m excited to work with this idea.

So, there you have it: a mini tour of one corner of my studio.  I hope you’ll visit again sometime.  (But, I still won’t promise to clean it.)

Ellen Lindner