Fabric-Led Design

My latest quilt has been coming together nicely, even though the fabrics are a little bit diverse. The colors, patterns, and values of the fabrics have dictated what looks good where and the fabric sizes have determined what will actually fit where.

Fabric-led Design. Ellen Lindner, AdventureQuilter.com/blog

Things evolved on the design wall as I folded and auditioned fabrics in different locations. I didn’t cut them until I was pretty sure about what I was doing!

Fabric-led Design. Ellen Lindner, AdventureQuilter.com/blog

As you can see, I was trying to move the colors and patterns throughout. I was getting close, but I thought the two yellow fabrics on the right, below, needed a darker spot between them. This is one of the fabrics I auditioned as a solution.

Fabric-led Design. Ellen Lindner, AdventureQuilter.com/blog

You can see that I decided to use it, but in a much more narrow piece.

And the big surprise: I decided I liked the quieter parts of the quilt the best, so I removed the busy patterned piece that was on the far left.

Fabric-led Design. Ellen Lindner, AdventureQuilter.com/blog

This is the final version, before quilting.

BTW, the construction time on this quilt was very short, due to the large pieces of fabric. But, it’s taking me quite a while to quilt it!

Ellen Lindner



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2 Responses to Fabric-Led Design

  1. Roxane Lessa May 5, 2021 at 9:33 am #

    This is a very successful balanced piece Ellen, one of your best!

    • Ellen Lindner May 8, 2021 at 10:37 pm #

      Thanks, Roxane! I’m very happy with it.

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