Featured Spotlight on Creative Whimsy

Creative Whimsy, a website about artists and their endeavors has just done a spotlight on me. How nice!

Ellen Lindner Artist Spotlight - Creative Whimsy. Adventure Quilter.com/blog

They sent me a ton of questions and I answered most of them. (I mean, you didn’t want to read PAGES about me, right?)

I was glad they asked about my process. I explained how I make decisions at the design wall, since it’s the part of quilt making I really like the most. I showed this series of pictures as an example.

Composing with an Eye Toward Value. Ellen Lindner, AdventureQuilter.com/blog

Composing with Value. Ellen Lindner, AdventureQuilter.com/blog

They also asked for a photo of my studio. So, I bravely walked in, LEFT EVERYTHING IN PLACE, and took a photo. This gives you an idea of what it looks like mid-project, although it’s usually much worse!

Ellen Lindner's studio 2024, mid-project. AdventureQuilter.com/blog

I hope you’ll check out the full article (and be willing to scroll past all the ads.)

Ellen Lindner

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