I recently added paint to a quilt! Gulp! This is something I’ve only done once or twice, so I definitely had to get my courage up.
It helped that I had done a bunch of painted exercises a few months ago. So, I did some practice samples, held my mouth just right and gave it a go.
I had started this quilt at Quilting by the Lake, back in July, and had completed the fabric composition. After putting the quilt away for a few months, this is where I picked it up. I wanted to add some sheer swirling elements to the background. With paint. Gulp again.
I had previously done some experimenting about how to best add a sheer layer with monoprinting. From that I knew that a certain scrap of shelf liner worked well. Like this. I thought it looked quite good.
But, it pretty much disappeared in the lighter patterned areas. Clearly, I’d need to beef it up some how. Back to experimenting.
I figured out I could stencil on another light coat of paint to get my desired effect. Like this.
I used freezer paper to mask out the quilt areas that I wanted to stay paint free.
And this was the result. I was happy with it.
At this point, it was time to start thinking about the quilting design. I’ll show you what I did in the next post, plus something a little unexpected.
Ellen Lindner