An Art Outing

I went on a fun outing today along with several friends.  First, we went to the Brevard Museum of Art, in Melbourne, FL where there are several interesting exhibits.  The first was called Tools in Motion.  As the name implies, it features work made from or about everyday tools.  Many of these pieces were very creative and intriguing.  A smaller exhibit called Get Hammered featured hammers turned into art, all done by local artists.  They ranged from embellished and painted hammers to photographs of hammers, and ones that were integrated into mixed media or sculptural compositions.

There was a fund raising event at the museum, last night, called Razzle Dazzle.  One of the main components was an array of extravagant table settings, which were still on display during our visit, today.  Each table had a theme and most were very festive and over the top.  One of my favorites, though, was a more subdued one featuring vintage postcards hung on a tree branch, old hats, and antique writing paraphernalia.

After visiting the museum, we strolled across the street to Eau Gallie Florist,which is ALWAYS worth a stop.  The shop is FILLED with major eye candy!  They do a beautiful job of arranging items in color coordinated and eye catching ways.  The owner, Link Johnsten was kind enough to let me take a few photos.

Opulent ornaments were arranged in bowls.

ornaments gold and pearl

ornaments silver

While huge whimsical ones hung from the ceiling.


bulbs, large

A stroll through the garden was equally delightful.   Shiny cobalt blue pots contrasted with “old” weathered vessels, splashing water, and a HUGE pathos plant.

garden fountain

Nearby, we saw a stack of wreaths made with fresh greenery.  They were
sprinkled with dropped petals from the tropical bougainvillea overhead. 
A Florida Christmas sight.

wreath w pink petals


A delightful day!

Ellen Lindner