Snapdragon Placement

***Challenge spoiler***  If you’re participating in the flower wagon challenge, you may not want to see my progress.

I knew the size and placement of my three snapdragons would be critical to the effectiveness of my design.   I did two things to help me judge this correctly.  First, I created a photo sketch.


 Then I did something I’d never done before:  I loosely blocked in the shapes and positions with fabric pieces pinned to the background.


My idea was to place a few large pieces of fabric, just to work on the placement.  Once I got it figured out, I intended to cut the fabrics smaller and rework it.  This was useful, as I found some things I liked and some that needed some tweaking.  I also learned that I would need to use quite a variety of fabrics within each flower, and that I’d have to pay attention to defining the edges of each flower.

On to the actual flowers.

Ellen Lindner

(FYI:  You can read a photo essay on my collage process here.)