“Winter Maple” (White on White)

Ta-da!  My White on White challenge piece is finished.  See Winter Maple below. 

Click any image for a larger view

Working with such low contrast was different for me, but I’m quite happy with the final product. 

The branches are drawn with oil pastels and outline stitched with black thread.

I kept the stitching very loose (inaccurate) for a sketch-type effect.  Of course, this is easier than accurate stitching, but the main thing I like about it is the appearance.

Echo stitching in the background finished it off.

This was fun and easy to do.  There could be more in my future.

Ellen Lindner


  1. Sue Dennis says:

    The branches look like they have been traupuntoed- I like the effect of the stitching.

  2. ellen says:

    Hi Sue,

    I’m glad the branches look like tranpunto. They’re not, but that’s what I was aiming for. I used a little grey ink to give subtle shading, in hopes that it would create a little 3D effect. Glad to know it worked!