NYC Art: Not Always What You’d Expect

When visiting New York city, you’d excpect to find amazing art at The Met.  And we did.

Click on any image for a larger viewlg-statue-in-met

But, we also found artistry in store windows and displays.  Like the paper “dress” on this mannequin at Papyrus.


Later, I stumbled upon Lion Brand Yarn Studio, a shop which was having a sale and demo day.  Oh my, the adrenalin was really surging in that little shop!  Employees wore lab coats and there were about three demos going all the time.  Plus raffles and sale prices.  The customers couldn’t line up fast enough and the energy was contagious.


Not being much of a knitter myself, I enjoyed the eye candy. 


This is the front window display that drew me into the store.  Who can resist a giant crocheted octopus and other sea creatures?  I knew this place was “with it” and I was right!


 It sure is fun to stumble upon cool and creative spots like this.  What artsy places have you discovered?

Ellen Lindner
P.S.  See my post about an earlier visit to The Met here.
P.P.S.  See my posts about a visit to Mood Fabrics here and here.


  1. Chris Staver says:

    We just got back from our vacation in Paris. My favorite art in Paris were the Monet water lily paintings at the Musée de l’Orangerie ( We loved it so much we went there twice and also went out to his gardens in Giverny.

    I loved all the things we saw in Paris, but this was the highlight. Trip photos are posted on my blog.

  2. Hey Chris,

    I know you had fun in Paris! It’s great visual and cultural stimulation.

    Did you go to the fabric district? I wrote about it on my website some years ago, if you’re interested:

    Please post your blog address.