NYC: Korea Town and Chelsea Market

On my fourth trip to New York City, there was no need to do the typical tourist activities, (although I did repeat a few of my favorites.)  Instead, my husband, son, and I took things at a fairly leisurely pace and enjoyed doing some new things together.

Our first stop was Korea Town because my son is obsessed with all things Korean!  He wants to teach there and is learning the language.

Click any image for a larger viewguys-korea-town-cropped
I guess he’s learned it pretty well in his one year of effort because he was able to converse with store and restauarnt employees.  Very fun for him!  Speaking of restaurants, we played it safe, ordering mandoo, (dumplings,) which were quite good. 

We also visited a Korean book store and grocery store.  I was definitely lost in the book store, but at least I could identify cabbage and ice cream bars.


After some much needed rest, we headed for Chelsea Market.  This is a block long collection of small food vendors and such.  It was very interesting!

Check out the gorgeous bowls of spices at Spices and Tease:



They were open to passersby and you could get in close to smell them.  The aromas were wonderful, even though I didn’t recognize most of them.

Wisk, anyone?  Bowery Kitchen Supply had a huge selection of all things related to cooking.  It was great fun to explore.  


We enjoyed both of these new destinations very much.

Ellen Lindner
P.S.  See some of my posts on earlier visits to NYC here and here.


  1. Martha Wolfe says:

    Enjoying your photos! How neat for your son, speaking the language and the possibilities of living abroad! Love the spices – didn’t know such a thing existed in NYC!

  2. Ellen, great photo’s and tips. Makes me want to go for a week. I only live a 3 hour drive away from NYCity and rarely get there. Thanks for the inspiration!

  3. ellen says:

    It’s a fun city to visit, Jeanne. (But, I suggest waiting until the weather cools off and the crowds get smaller.)