Interactions and Inspirations

If you’ve been reading my blog, you know that I had a fantastic time when I went to the International Quilt Festival in Houston.  Part of what made it so fun was meeting new people and drawing inspiration from new ideas.

One such idea came from  Cheryl Sleboda, who was teaching a brief Demo called “Cartooning for Quilters.”  Here’s Cheryl wearing an oh-so-cute-but-edgy t-shirt.


And here’s her cartoon version of Lady Mary, from “Downton Abbey.”


Having recently struggled with facial features, I was really struck by the way she freely altered them to her liking.  Just what I needed to be able to do!  So, after the other attendees departed, I hung back and asked her about this skill.  Right way, she whipped out a page of eyes.


Bam!  Just what I needed to see!  And then we discussed hair.


In answer to another one of my questions, she grabbed her drawing pad and said “Well, if I were drawing you, for instance…”


And so she did.  How cool is that?

I was really jazzed by this fun interaction and the useful information it provided.  I’ll definitely refer to these photos when I get back to the childhood memory quilts.

All of this was still rattling around in my brain as I flew home the next day.  I was excited to try my hand at cartooning while it was still fresh in my mind.  So, I put the back of my itinerary paperwork to good use.


The gal on the bottom right is supposed to be Cheryl.  Not bad, right?

Ellen Lindner
P.S.  Thanks to Cheryl for sharing her photos with me.