World Quilt Show – Florida 2014: Part Two
In my last post I showed you many of the wonderful traveling quilts at what we locals call “The West Palm show.” Now, for the ones made by Floridians.
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The quilt above is called “Mozart.” I neglected to photograph the sign, so I don’t know the maker. But, see the detail shot below.

Equus, by Sandy Monk. This was part of a special Black and White exhibit, from a local group. Two ribbons!

Drops, by Karen Marchetti. The water drops in this quilt are actually 3D. (But, even if they weren’t, they’re painted so well you would think they were.)
And, last but not least, a photo of my chauffeur for the day, Gabriele DiTota. She’s shown with her Hansel and Gretl quilt. It’s VERY 3D!
Wonderful quilts!
Ellen Lindner