Professional Head Shots

I’m part of an upcoming exhibit, which will include a book.  How exciting!  However, the book calls for a professional head shot of each of the 24 artists.  Since many of us didn’t have one, the organizers set up a group photography session.

Gee that was fun!  Artists were encouraged to bring props appropriate to their medium.  Photographer Deborah Hamilton and “director” Judith Vaughn got us to act playful with our props and to pose in a variety of ways.  Since this was new to all of us, the whole process was a hoot!

Here are the three photos I received after the shoot:

Lindner head shot +med

Although I’d love to blame the photographer for the chubby girl look, I’m afraid I’m the one responsible for that!  Even so, I think the photo above is the one I’ll use for non-quilting publicity.  For my website and blog, which appeal primarily to quilters, I plan to use one of these:

2010 head shot hiding +med

2010 head shot with 2 quilts-med

I think probably all three should be cropped. 
(Just ask my fiber art buddies.  I’m known for cropping!)

Which photo do you think I should use for my website?  (If you’re interested, it will replace the one on this page.) 

I’d greatly appreciate your comments!

Ellen Lindner


  1. Deanna Cohen says:

    I like the last one. It shows your face and your work.

  2. Kathleen C. says:

    I love the last of the three photos for your website. The quilts in the photo show what you do and who you are, and your smile is infectious! Kathleen C. in CT

  3. ellen says:

    Thanks, ladies. I like that last one too!

  4. Sharon says:

    My Hubby does portraits and I must say – you do need to crop! Too much blank space above your head in all three shots. BUT it sure does look like you had tons of fun! I’m loving #3! As the other comments say, shows you and your great work! Congrats on the exhibit and book!

  5. Vivian says:

    I vote for the last one too-lots of color!

  6. Vicky says:

    I know I’m very late on commenting, lots of stuff going on and just catching up with you with the receipt of your recent newsletter as a reminder but I LOVE the 3rd pic. It shows your love of what you do with the look on your face. Definitely needs some cropping on the top but make sure you keep the color of the quilts. Sorry I missed the Melbourne show this year, dealing with more health stuff. Loving your new work!!