Bouquet of Circles

After transforming my ugly circles quilt into a vase, I needed something to go in it.  Something circular, of course.  And here it is, a fabric vase filled with a bouquet of sheer circle “flowers.”  Click any image for a larger view.


I’m pretty happy with this.  What do you think?

After getting the folds of the quilt to look the way I wanted (for the vase,) I put a rubber band around the neck of it.  Next, I added copper wire, and then cut the rubber band.  So the wire is the only thing holding it in place.   If removed, the quilt would lay flat once again.

twisted copper

The “flowers” are made from wire circles, wrapped with sheer fabric.  Here’s one in-progress:

flower IP

I used very thin wire as my thread, overstitching  the fabric to the frame.  This worked very well, since the wire stayed in place and I was able to wrap the ends around one another.  Later, I trimmed the excess fabric.

flower materials

Detail shots:

detail top
detail right

I hope you enjoyed seeing the metamorphisis of this project.

Ellen LIndner


  1. Carole says:

    this is very nice and very clever, Ellen.
    I like it alot.

  2. Linda says:

    I love this piece! Very, very nice.