Floral Commission: Making Progress

 I’m continuing to make progress with this second “Black Eyed” Susan quilt. 

Click any image for a larger view

In the previous photo, I’ve added the second flower.  It’s supposed to tilt away from the viewer, but that wasn’t too obvious at this point.  However, once I added the last petal and loosely added some fabric for the center, I think it gave the proper effect.  (Next photo.)

Things began to come together with the addition of the third flower.  At this point, I was still undecided whether to use brown or purple for the flower centers, so I auditioned both.  Although the fabrics are just loosely folded and placed, I have a clear favorite.  Do you?

Do you ever alter the colors of your realistic art?  If so, for what reasons?

Ellen Lindner
P.S.  I need a title for this piece.  Any ideas?


  1. Chris says:

    I have a hard time in general choosing fabrics for a quilt. I tend to try to match the fabric a little too much to the photo. And really most of the time that is nearly impossible to do. So sometimes I just have to go with what I have in my stash or I will make myself as well as my husband and daughter crazy!!

  2. Yes, Chris, it’s really easy to get carried away with matching! I TRY to work more loosely, but I don’t always succeed.

  3. christina says:

    Your flower center fabric is just the perfect center for the flowers. And an title? That is also just my problem every time.

  4. ellen says:

    So, Christina, do you like the purple centers, then? That’s my favorite, (and the one I eventually selected.)

    Titles are tricky. I think I’ll have to hit the dictionary for S words. MAYBE “Sassy Susans.”

  5. Maeve says:

    I so enjoyed your lecture at the Lake and Mountain Quilt Guild, Seneca, SC, recently. I have been following your blog from time to time. Seeing these sunflowers, I have to say that your creative methods really work and also that I so enjoy watching via photos your progress on various pieces of art. You are truly gifted!!!

  6. ellen says:

    Thanks, Maeve! I really enjoyed my visit to Seneca. I’m glad you’re enjoying seeing my progress on my blog, and I appreciate your kind comments!

    (I like to see things in progress, too. Especially if I can understand how the artist makes her decisions.)