Dirty Dozen Retreat

Just back from a fun retreat with the Dirty Dozen Fiber Artists, my small fiber art group.  We had so much fun being in the same space, creating, collaborating, learning, sewing, gabbing, eating, and laughing!

A few highlights:
A carrot cake, made FROM SCRATCH by Martha.  Those are candied carrots used as
decoration.  I’d never even heard of such a thing, and Martha made them!


The “store.”  Irene brought a BUNCH of fabric scraps and UFOs (unfinished objects) to give away.  They all got dumped on a bed, which was promptly dubbed “the store.”  Everyone had
fun pawing through the piles and discovering treasures.

(L-R) Jill, Martha, Paula, Lisa-Marie

(L-R) Jill, Martha, Paula, Lisa-Marie

There was also quite a bit of silliness – especially late at night.  Here, Lisa-Marie is demonstrating a yoga pose for Irene.

(L-R) Irene, Lisa-Marie.

(L-R) Irene, Lisa-Marie.

Oh, yeah.  We did some sewing, too.  Including a “Group Therapy” challenge involving lots of texture.  Here’s a sneak peak of mine.

Mango Th detail

As usual, I brought the most stuff:  my sewing table, sewing chair, sewing machine, easel, portable design wall, Ott light AND all the materials needed, plus clothing and food!

Getting away like this is not only enjoyable and productive, but also a wonderful boost to the  cammaraderie and closeness of the group.  I’m already looking forward to next year!

BTW, in the third photo, the quilt in the background was made by Diane Smith.  She and her husband own the condo where we were staying, and she’s a former member of the group.


  1. Valerie says:

    Oh Ellen – your first picture was of food. Some things never change!! Sounds like you had a lot of fun. I could have covered that bed with just my own UFO’s!

  2. ellen says:

    Yeah, food ranks pretty high on my priority list! (Unfortuantely.) What? You have UFO’s??? 🙂