“Visions and Vistas”

What do you get when you mix my colorful art quilts, the wonderful silk paintings of Jo-Ann Jensen, and a great venue?  Our current exhibit, Visions and Vistas.

Click image for a larger view

The exhibit space is the lobby gallery of our local performing arts center.  It shows off our work beautifully with good lighting and plenty of space.  Unfortunately, the gallery is only open during performances, but Jo-Ann and I have had fun arriving early to chat with the show patrons.  We’ve had some very interesting conversations and have received lots of compliments. 

Of course, most people are unfamiliar with fabric collage, so they’re very intrigued by my process.  It’s exciting to educate them about fabric as art.  (I don’t generally use the word quilt with non-quilters, since they tend to translate the word as “bedspread.”)

Jo-Ann and I are enjoying this collaboration so much we’re considering repeating it at other venues.

You can see all my exhibit pieces here.

Ellen Lindner


  1. Martha Ginn says:

    Great exhibit, and theatre-goers surely will enjoy the artwork. I love it when we can introduce people to fiber art!

  2. ellen says:

    Thanks, Martha. I’m happy with the exhibit and talking with viewers has been lots of fun.