Posts Tagged ‘Childhood Memories’

Odd Hair: Pony Tails and Scary Mouths

Time to work on the pony tails of my odd hair quilt.  I planned to use little bits of a variety of fabrics represnting dark blonde hair. Click any image for a larger view Soon, my table looked like this.  See the ponytails under contstruction on a fused base fabric on the left. Hey, they […]

Odd Hair: Sketching

Continuing with my idea of depicting some childhood memories in small cartoon-like quilts, I’ve started on one about a very weird hairdo.  Pony tails in FRONT of my ears!  Can you imagine? One of the funny aspects of this story is that my mother never commented on my style, even though she wanted to!  I […]

Stitching Childhood Memories

I have really great memories from my childhood.  Growing up on a dairy farm, my experience was a little different than most.  (Example:  my first word was moo!)  My three siblings, the three neighbor kids, and I built forts in the hay loft, played in the creek, and learned to run barefoot on hot gravel. Recently, […]